All About Facebook Messenger Marketing


Uploaded on Jul 24, 2019

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Presentation on "All About Facebook Messenger Marketing"

Category Education



All About Facebook Messenger Marketing

ALL ABOUT FACEBOOK MESSENGER MARKETING Introduction Facebook Messenger becoming widely used in digital marketing tactics. Facebook messenger provides 80% open rates, 60% click-through rates, and sky-high conversion rates which are most important in marketing. This is the reason that Facebook Messenger is getting attention in digital marketing. 1. Comment Guard The private Auto-Responders or comment guard is the feature used by Facebook.  It is a bot that you can set up on your Facebook posts.  If anyone is interested in your post and comments on it they will automatically receive a private message on their Facebook messenger from you. Help of comment guard feature in marketing You can create a Facebook page to market your product.  If anyone wants to buy or want to know any information about your product they will comment. They will get a personal message on their Messenger. 2. High Engagement Rates Studies have revealed that people prefer to open and click on a messaging app than they are with an email. This is the best option for marketing online. 3. Facebook messenger has very little friction One can be depressed by seeing lots of unread messages in their email.  A great possibility is that your message can go to the spam folder without checking by them results in wastage of money and time in email marketing.  Facebook messenger has very little friction than emails. 4. Marketer-friendly than SMS  SMS is outdated in the current situation as well as SMS are not marketer-friendly at all.  Ads by SMS may look ugly.  One more thing, who will be ready to pay the SMS charges when messenger chat is free. 5. Facebook messenger is growing rapidly. Facebook messenger is very famous all over the world. You can grow your business easily by Facebook messenger marketing. 6. Facebook messenger chatbot widget  Facebook Messenger chat widgets run on the bot.  It is fully automated.  Available 24/7.  It will add the person as a contact in Messenger.  Instant response. Conclusion Today’s generation wants an attractive, impressive, and interactive experience in everything, and in marketing too. Facebook Messenger marketing is the answer to that. Facebook Messenger properties are very marketing friendly.  It is one of the most convincing methods of marketing available today.