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PPT on the history of the Internet.
Who Invented The Internet ?
WHO INVENTED THE INTERNET? INRODUCTION • The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. • Through the Internet, people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection. Source: www.britannica.com EMERGENCE OF INTERNET • The Internet emerged in the United States in the 1970s but did not become visible to the general public until the early 1990s. Source: www.britannica.com WHO INVENTED INTERNET? • The Internet consists of technologies developed by different individuals and organizations. • Important figures include Robert W. Taylor, who led the development of the ARPANET (an early prototype of the Internet), and Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn, who developed the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) technologies. Source: www.britannica.com EARLY NETWORKS • The first computer networks were dedicated special-purpose systems such as SABRE (an airline reservation system) and AUTODIN I (a defense command-and-control system), both designed and implemented in the late 1950s Source: www.britannica.com FOUNDATION OF THE INTERNET • First, DARPA established a program to investigate the interconnection of heterogeneous networks. • This program, called Internetting, was based on the newly introduced concept of open architecture networking. Source: www.britannica.com COMMERCIAL EXPANSION • The rise of commercial Internet services and applications helped to fuel a rapid commercialization of the Internet. • One important factor was the introduction of the personal computer and the workstation in the early 1980s. Source: www.britannica.com HOW DOES INTERNET WORK? • The Internet works through a series of networks that connect devices around the world through telephone lines. • The widespread use of mobile broadband and Wi-Fi in the 21st century has allowed this connection to be wireless. Source: www.britannica.com WHO CONTROLS THE INTERNET? • While the Internet is theoretically decentralized and thus controlled by no single entity. Source: www.britannica.com IS THE INTERNET DANGEROUS? • The advent of the Internet has brought into existence new forms of exploitation, such as spam e-mail and malware, and harmful social behaviour, such as cyberbullying. • Many companies collect extensive information from users, which some deem a violation of privacy. Source: www.britannica.com WHAT IS DARK WEB? • The Dark Web refers to a series of Web sites that require special decryption and configuration tools to access. • It is most used for purposes that require strict anonymity, including illegal sales, political dissent in countries with heavy censorship, and whistleblowing. Source: www.britannica.com