KSTAR 'Artificial Sun' of korea sets world record.


Uploaded on Dec 30, 2020

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KSTAR 'Artificial Sun' of korea sets world record.

KSTAR 'ARTIFICIAL SUN' OF KOREA SETS WORLD RECORD INTRODUCTION  Scientists have just set a new world record for high- temperature sustained plasma with the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) unit, achieving an ion temperature of over 100 million degrees Celsius (180 million degrees Fahrenheit) for a period of 20 seconds. Source: www.dailyexpress.com KOREA'S "ARTIFICIAL SUN"  Known as Korea's "artificial sun" the KSTAR produces and stabilises ultra-heat plasma from magnet fields, eventually to make nuclear fusion a reality – a theoretically limitless clean-energy source that will change our lives if it's done as planned. Source: www.sciencealert.com IMPROVEMENT  Prior to that, 100 million degrees were not broken by over 10 seconds, but that is a major improvement over previous attempts, but a long way needs to be achieved until all energy sources can be completely discounted. Nuclear fusion power remains a hope at this stage, not a guarantee. Source: www.futurism.com PLASMA OPERATIONS  The technologies appropriate for long-term 100 million degree plasma operations are important for achieving fusion energy," says Si-Woo Yoon, nuclear physicist, head of the KSTAR Research Center, Korea Fusion Energy Institute (KFE). Source: www.qatarday.com HIGH-TEMPERATURE PLASMA  The KSTAR's success in maintaining the high- temperature plasma for 20 seconds will be an important turning point in the race for securing the technologies for the long high-performance plasma operation, a critical component of a commercial nuclear fusion reactor in the future. Source: www.sciencealert.com INTERNAL TRANSPORT BARRIER  An update to the Internal Transport Barrier (ITB) mode inside KSTAR was crucial to the 20 second leap.  The scientists do not grasp these techniques entirely, but they do lead to regulating nuclear fusion's confines and equilibrium at the simplest level. Source: www.sciencetime.com TOKAMAK MODEL  The KSTAR is a reactor in the tokamak model, which is comparable with China, where nuclear nuclei are combined and these huge quantities of energy are produced (as opposed to nuclear fission used in power plants, which splits atomic nuclei apart). Source: www.solidsmack.com KSTAR  Although the requisite scientific work is complicated, progress has remained steady.  In 2018, KSTAR exceeded the ceiling by 100 million degrees, which was 8 seconds sustained in 2019. Now that's more than half as many. Source: www.sciencealert.com SUCCESS OF THE KSTAR EXPERIMENT  The success of the KSTAR experiment in the long, high-temperature operation by overcoming some drawbacks of the ITB modes brings us a step closer to the development of technologies for realisation of nuclear fusion energy. Source: www.sciencedirect.com FUSION DEVICES  Fusion devices like KSTAR use hydrogen isotopes to create a plasma state for the separation of ions and electrons ready for heating – that's why they're named after the same fusion reactions on the Sun. Source: www.futurism.com