Steve Jobs – The Visionary and Innovator


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Steve Jobs – The Visionary and Innovator

Steve Jobs – The Visionary and Innovator Introduction  Steve Jobs , the Apple founder and former CEO who invented and masterfu l ly marketed ever-s leeker gadgets that t ransformed everyday technology, f rom the personal computer to the iPod and iPhone. Source: An extraordinary innovator  An extraordinary innovator , Steve Jobs has had 241 patents registered to his name or as a co - inventor. Many of the products he invented went on to be hi ts in the tech wor ld, notably the iPhone. Source: Birth  Born in 1955 to a Syr ian father and American mother, Jobs was g iven up for adoption to Paul and Clara Jobs . Nei ther of them were univers i ty graduates , but they promised to put him through col lege. Source: Early Life  During his ear ly years, he struggled in t radit ional c lassrooms and faced some chal lenges in school . The future genius was a loner and often bul l ied by c lassmates, but i t d id not hinder h is progress . Source: Interest in electronics  When he was 10, Jobs took a keen interest in e lectronics. He became fr iends wi th a l l the engineers in the ne ighborhood. At the age of 13, he got a summer job wi th Hewlett-Packard after co ld-cal l ing them for some e lectronic parts . Then dur ing h is h igh school years , he met his future bus iness partner Steve Wozniak. Source: Low-cost digital blue box  By his senior year in late 1971, Jobs became fasc inated with e lectronics and completed h is fi rst pro ject w i th Steve Wozniak — the low-cost d igi ta l b lue box. The sales were excel lent and th is gave them the idea that they could do wonders. Source: Birth of Apple  After some st ints with Atar i and a spir i tual t r ip in India came the bi r th of Apple. In 1976, Wozniak and Jobs jo ined forces once again with operat ions beginning in the latter ’s bedroom. There was a thi rd co - founder by the name of Ronald Wayne, but he d idn’t s tay in the p icture for very long. Source: NeXT  Most people associate Jobs' success with Apple, but in the ear ly days, Jobs' re lat ionship wi th Apple proved to be a rocky one. After be ing fi red from the company he founded in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT, a fi rm that created computers for business and educat ional needs. Source: Pixar  Jobs ' $5 mi l l ion acquis i t ion of Lucasfi lms' Computer Graphic Div is ion in 1986 proved to be a wise investment.  The potent ia l he saw in the company—later renamed Pixar—paid off when he sold i t to Disney (DIS) in 2006 for $7.4 b i l l ion. Source: Apple  Jobs’ development of new product l ines whi le at the helm of Apple cont inues to impact count less indiv iduals and has created enormous success for the company. Source: