Symptoms of sinus and prevention


Uploaded on Nov 21, 2019

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Symptoms of sinus and prevention

What are the symptoms of Sinus? How to prevent yourself from this disease? Sinus, which is medically called ‘Sinusitis’, is a condition where the nasal cavities are inflamed and swollen. It is usually caused by a common cold or some other allergic reaction. There are two types of Sinusitis; Acute and Chronic. Acute sinusitis lasts for a short period of time, whereas Chronic sinusitis may last for up to 8- 10 weeks. http://www.upi.c om Causes for Sinusitis are: 1. Common cold 2. Abnormality in nasal passages, like deviated septum or nasal polyps 3. Allergies due to pollen, dust etc. http://www.asthmaandallergyce Symptoms of Sinus mainly are: • Facial pain or pressure • Thick yellow or green nasal discharge • Blocked nose • Reduced sense of smell • Difficulty in breathing through the nose • Cough Other symptoms that can be seen are: • Fever • Bad breath • Tooth ache • Fatigue If these symptoms persist for several weeks, it is best to see a doctor, as it may become a serious infection. Methods of diagnosis include examining the nose with a light source or using an endoscope for detailed examination. Acute sinusitis can be cured by medicines which help to relieve the symptoms. In case of chronic sinusitis, a CT scan may be required, as antibiotics may not work efficiently. The patient may be asked to reduce exposure to allergens, or if there is a condition like deviated septum, a surgery may be suggested by an ENT specialist. Prevention It is often said that ‘prevention is better than cure.’ That holds true even in the case of sinus. For those who are at more risk of suffering from sinusitis, they can keep themselves safe by following some simple prevention methods. anounceofprevention.o rg Practicing good hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently, and especially before having meals. Use an anti-bacterial liquid soap. Try to stay away from those who have common cold, allergies and other respiratory infections. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke. Protect yourself from other smoke and polluted air. Wear a protective mask if possible Avoid allergens. Stay away from places affected with dust, pollens, mold etc. Manage your allergies. Avoid consuming food and drinks which may cause an allergic reaction. Use a humidifier at home or workplace, which can moisten the air and keep it clean. Clean air-conditioners, fans and home furniture regularly to avoid accumulation of dust and mold. .in