WHO team arrives in Wuhan for Controversial Coronavirus Origin Probe.


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WHO team arrives in Wuhan for Controversial Coronavirus Origin Probe.

WHO TEAM ARRIVES IN WUHAN FOR CONTROVERSIA L CORONAVIRUS ORIGIN PROBE INTRODUCTION A team of Wor ld Health Organizat ions (WHO) experts arr ive in Wuhan City th is month for an invest igat ion, over a year before the b ir th of a coronavi rus vi rus, but two part ic ipants were re fused boarding travel in S ingapore after test ing pos i t ive for v i rus ant ibodies . Source: www.ndtv.com SET UP AN INDEPENDENT INQUIRY In May last year, the World Heal th Assembly (WHA) the governing body of the 194-member states of the WHO approved a resolut ion to set up an independent inquiry to conduct an impart ia l , independent and comprehens ive evaluat ion of the internat ional response as wel l as that o f the WHO. Source: www.eastmojo.com INTERNATIONAL TEAM At the beginning of the miss ion, a mass ive g lobal team made up of th i r teen sc ience agents came by, met up with Chinese offi cia ls in hosing sui ts at arr ival and showed a throat swab, and taken into a hote l in order for a two weeks quarant ine to be done pr ior to beginning work. Source: www.ndtv.com FIRST CORONA VIRUS CASE The v irus was fi rst detected in the centra l Chinese c i ty of Wuhan in late 2019 and has s ince b i l lowed out across the wor ld k i l l ing near ly two mi l l ion people so far , in fect ing tens of mi l l ions and eviscerat ing the g lobal economy. Source: www.bbc.com PATHWAY OF THE VIRUS The WHO says establ ish ing the pathway of the v i rus f rom animals to humans is essent ia l to prevent ing future outbreaks. Source: www.ndtv.com POLITICAL SENSITIVITY After month of ta lks had been recorded on th is project a indicat ion of the pol i t ical sens i t iv i ty of the human v irus narrat ive , which mutates the recr iminat ion between countr ies , conjecture and denials . Source: www.republicworld.com TWO EXPERTS WERE BANNED U.N. heal th offi ce reported that even though i t had almost fi nished in order, two part ic ipants were not permitted to board the fl ight f rom Singapore to Wuhan, after checking thei r ant ibodies for the coronavi rus a hopeful tw ist , for experts , in a long tr ip to China. Source: www.wpri.com CHINA'S NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION (NHC) NHC offi cials to ld the media in Bei j ing on Wednesday that fi nding the or igins of the vi rus is a sc ient ifi c quest ion, and they suggested conduct ing s imi lar v is i ts to other countr ies to achieve this object ive . Source: Wikipedia WHO TWEET The WHO said in a tweet that a l l members of the team had mult iple negat ive PCR and ant ibody tests for COVID-19 in thei r home countr ies pr ior to t ravel ing. Source: www.ndtv.com COVID SCENARIO IN CHINA More than 20 mi l l ion people are under lockdown in the north of China and one province has declared an emergency, as the country reported i ts fi rst death f rom Covid-19 in e ight months. Source: www.ndtv.com