Heat Stroke Symptoms & Preventive Measures to avoid strokes-ERODE DIABETES FOUNDATION


Uploaded on May 3, 2024



Heat Stroke Symptoms & Preventive Measures to avoid strokes-ERODE DIABETES FOUNDATION

ERODE DIABETES FOUNDATION Presents... Heat Stroke Symptoms & Preventive Measures to avoid strokes • This summer has been particularly scorching, with heat waves and orange alerts occurring in Tamil Nadu. Therefore, everyone, especially diabetics, should be cautious of the extreme heat conditions and take extra precautions to avoid heat strokes, which are very common during this season. So, in this blog, let us look at some tips to understand heat stroke symptoms and the treatment to be taken immediately to avoid any complications. Heat Stroke Symptoms • Generally, Heat Stroke Symptoms can vary in severity but often include: • A High Body Temperature of 104°F (40°C) or higher is a common sign • Altered Mental State or Behaviour such as confusion, agitation, slurred speech, irritability, delirium, or even coma can occur • Flushed or Red Skin as it may feel hot and dry • Rapid and shallow Breathing • Rapid Heart Rate and Breathing - An abnormally fast heart rate (tachycardia) and rapid breathing (hyperventilation) • Intense throbbing headache, dizziness, and fainting Health Monitoring and Management 1. Monitor Blood Sugar Levels Diabetics are more vulnerable to heat-related complications, so it's crucial to monitor blood sugar levels regularly, especially during hot weather. 2. Monitor Electrolyte Levels Diabetics should ensure they maintain adequate levels of electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium, as imbalances can occur during periods of excessive sweating. . Preventive Measures to avoid Heat stroke • Remember, prevention is key, so taking proactive measures to stay cool and hydrated can help reduce the risk of heat stroke. • Diabetics should stay hydrated to prevent worsening heat-related illnesses. • During extreme heat, limit outdoor activities and prefer indoor exercises. • Senior citizens needing assistance should avoid outdoors between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. • Choose breathable clothing for better air circulation and cooling. • Seek shade or air-conditioned areas when outdoors to avoid heat. • Lower body temperature with cool showers, fans, or cooling towels if necessary. Prepare for Emergencies • Generally, having an emergency plan is crucial in case of a heat-related emergency. Further, it's essential to know who to contact and where to seek medical help promptly. Also, keeping emergency contacts handy ensures that assistance can be easily accessed when needed. Additionally, educating family members and caregivers about the signs and symptoms of heat stroke and how to respond in an emergency can be life-saving. To Sum-up • Thus, understanding heat stroke symptoms and taking preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses mainly for diabetics.Also, individuals can better prepare for and respond to emergencies effectively. Moreover, always follow your diabetologist/healthcare provider's recommendations for managing diabetes and any other underlying health conditions, especially during periods of extreme heat. By being mindful of these tips, diabetics can better protect themselves from heat-related complications and stay healthy during hot weather. THANK YOU… CONTACT : 9789494299 WEBSITE LINK: https://www.erodediabetesfoundation.org https://erodediabetesfoundation.org/heat-stroke-symptoms-and- preventive-measures/