Spring Loaded Test Probes


Uploaded on Dec 28, 2019

Category Business

Spring-loaded test probe have long been a part of electrical and environmental testing, even though they consist of three or four discrete parts and can be laborious to assemble into probe assemblies.

Category Business



Spring Loaded Test Probes

WELCOME SPRING LOADED TEST PROBES Spring-loaded test probe have long been a part of electrical and environmental testing, even though they consist of three or four discrete parts and can be laborious to assemble into probe assemblies. POGO PIN A Pogo pin is a device used in electronics to establish a (usually temporary) connection between two printed circuit boards. Named by analogy with the pogo stick toy, the pogo pin usually takes the form of a slender cylinder containing two sharp, spring- loaded pins. THANK YOU Address:- Equip–Test Kft., Vágóhíd u. 19. H-2220 Vecsés, Hungary +36-29/550-940 Fax: +36-29/356-480