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FilterSmart is the leading salt free, non electric whole house water filter company. All systems designed, assembled and shipped in the USA.
5 Water Softener Alternatives : The Good and The Bad
5 Water Softener Alternatives : The Good and The Bad Electromagnetic Water Softeners If you do end up buying an electromagnetic water softener and it doesn’t work, try testing the presence of an electromagnetic field with an app. Fun fact: iPhones and Androids already work as EMF detectors. Plenty of disgruntled buyers have done just that and found that, while there was an electromagnetic field, there was no reduction in scale. Chelation (Citric Acid Water Softeners) According to the University of Minnesota Water Resources Center, while citric acid water softening appears to be one of the cheapest water softener alternatives on the market, chelation hasn’t “been well proven, especially for higher hardness levels > 8-10 grains per gallon. Reverse Osmosis System Reverse osmosis is a great way to get pristine, filtered water in your kitchen. It can remove the following with ease: ions and metals like arsenic, fluoride, and sodium; organic chemicals like benzene; small particles like asbestos and protozoan cysts; and, finally, pesticides. However, there are some drawbacks to reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis can't remove dissolved gases like hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is responsible for giving your water a rotten egg smell (and flavor). Potassium Chloride (Still Ion Exchange, Unfortunately) This isn’t so much a water softener alternative as it is a sodium alternative. But, instead of using sodium in your water softener, you could buy potassium chloride. It’s a great way to treat hard water without salt (well, sodium chloride). This is unfortunately, however, still an ion exchange system -- even though salesmen might like to make you think otherwise. Contact Us Address :- 146 Powers Ave, Santa Barbara, California Phone No :- 866-455-9989 Website :- https://filtersmart.com