Babasir Treatment In India PPT


Uploaded on Mar 1, 2023

Piles, also called hemorrhoids, are swelling and inflamed veins that are located in the anus and rectum. They are caused by an increase in tension in the lower part of the rectum which may result from the strain of bowel movements or constipation due to obesity, and many other causes. Piles are a very common disease that affects around 50 percent of people at one time throughout their life.



Babasir Treatment In India PPT

Babasir Treatment In India les-babasir/ Piles, also called hemorrhoids, are swelling and inflamed veins that are located in the anus and rectum. They are caused by an increase in tension in the lower part of the rectum which may result from the strain of bowel movements or constipation due to obesity, and many other causes. Piles are a very common disease that affects around 50 percent of people at one time throughout their life. The symptoms of hemorrhoids vary depending on its type and severity; common signs include: • Pain or discomfort in the anal region • Itching or irritation around the anus • Swelling around the anus • Bleeding during bowel movements which is seen as bright red blood on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl • Lump or bulge near the anus • Leakage of fiscal matter or mucus from the anus • Difficulty Cleaning After Bowel Movement • Hemorrhoids may lead to complications like blood clots, infection or strangulated hemorrhoids (where the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is cut off, causing intense pain and tissue damage).