cavalier king charles spaniel


Uploaded on Jan 29, 2020

Category Lifestyle A group of domesticated animals with similar behavior, similar appearance or the characteristics that distinguish it from other organisms of the same species is called a breed. The breed is presumably related by descent from the common ancestors. From prehistoric times, people have been breeding dogs. People used to breed dogs from pre-historic times to perform various tasks like hunting, herding, guarding, etc.

Category Lifestyle



cavalier king charles spaniel

CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL alier-king-charles-spaniels-one-of-th e-best-breeds/ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel A group of domesticated animals with similar behavior, similar appearance or the characteristics that distinguish it from other organisms of the same species is called a breed. The breed is presumably related by descent from the common ancestors. From prehistoric times, people have been breeding dogs. People used to breed dogs from pre-historic times to perform various tasks like hunting, herding, guarding, etc. Tricolor Cavalier King Cha r Blleacsk, wShitpe aandn taine; jelt black markings broken up on a white ground.  Ears are black with a white blaze between the eyes; rich tan markings are found over the eyes, cheeks, inside ears and underside of tail . Cavalier King Charles Spaniel What health problems do Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have? Cavalier King Charles Spaniel The Three Eldest Children of Charles I – Artist: Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel –Dog Breed Facts  Popular breed  The  Cavalliier Kiing Charlles Lap dogs Span iiell  has iitts brreed’’s name tthatt iis  iin connecttiion wiitth Brriittiish hiisttorry.. The Kennell Cllub and tthe Amerriican Beautiful dogs Kennell Cllub have rregarrded tthii s brreed as a ttoy dog.. The Cavalliierrs have derriived a sporrtty natturre ffrrom  Nature  iitts Spaniiell ancesttorrs.. Follllowiing arre some off tthe ffactts tthatt can hellp iin detterrmiiniing whettherr tthiis speciiall  Apartment dogs dog brreed iis fforr you.. Basic Info to Know About Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Height: from 32 to 34 cm in the females and from 34 to 36 cm in the males  Weight: between 5 and 9 kg  Coat: intense red and white; unicolor red; tricolor (black, fire and white); black and tan  Average life: from ten to fourteen years  Character: playful, extroverted, friendly and easy temperament  Relationship with children: excellent  Relationship with other dogs: very good Visit here for get more information g-charles-spaniels-one-of-the-best-breeds 4x3 16x9