Uploaded on Aug 3, 2022
Hallandale EYE CENTER offers the best laser surgery for cataracts and keeps the eyesight healthy. The cost of the treatment will not be a burden on the health insurance acquired by the patients. Customized low-budget treatments are offered to the patients for complete treatment of the eye. Visit website for more Information: hallandaleeyecenter.com
Affordable price offered by Hallandale EYE CENTER for the needs of eye care
Affordable price offered by Hallandale EYE CENTER for the needs of eye care About Us There is an effort made for sustainable services by the healthcare providers like Hallandale EYE CENTER to reduce eye problems nationwide. The involvement of direct or indirect costs can make it difficult for many patients. Hallandale EYE CENTER uses both laser technology and traditional technology for the surgery of the eye. Hallandale EYE CENTER offers premium quality service for the treatment of the patient’s eye. Services provided to the eye patients include emergency eye care services, laser cataract surgery, comprehensive eye exams, and different types of Ocular procedures Surgeries and emergency cases may create an extra burden on the patient's family. To resolve these financial problems, Hallandale Eye Center provides an extra offer through the usage of CareCredit and Wells Fargo. Patients with insurance plans may cover all the costs of screening for children and teens by Hallandale EYE CENTER The use of government policies like Medicare, CHIP (Children's Health insurance Program), and Medicaid will be beneficial for low-cost treatment. Additional financing services can also be used for regular office visits, surgical procedures, and eyeglasses. Specializations made in advanced eye surgeries for glaucoma, laser vision correction, and cataracts are performed in Hallandale EYE CENTER. According to the part of collaboration made with the Centre for Sight will be presented with some discounted services to people above 60 years of age. The delivery of a safe and secure easy-to-use services platform is provided through our expert set of teams managed by our health care eye center. Specialized doctors at the center are available 24 hours The patients need to make an appointment before the visit to the eye center H a l l a n d a l e E y e C e n t e r : M o s h e Y a l o n w w w . h a l l a n d a l e e y e c e n t e r . c o m P h o n e N u m b e r - 9 5 4 . 4 5 7 . 7 4 4 5 A d d r e s s - 2 5 0 0 E . H a l l a n d a l e B e a c h B l v d . S u i t e N - 2 H a l l a n d a l e B e a c h , F L 3 3 0 0 9 Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed THANK YOU w w w . h a l l a n d a l e e y e c e n t e r . c o m