Palate Repair Surgery in Dubai


Uploaded on Jul 25, 2020

You have to start prepping your child for the Palate repair surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi for at least 2 weeks before the scheduled date. Prior to the surgery, discuss with the surgeon the risks, benefits, results and Cost.



Palate Repair Surgery in Dubai

Palate Repair Surgery in Dubai You have to start prepping your child for the Palate repair surgery in Dubai & Abu Dhabi for at least 2 weeks before the scheduled date. Prior to the surgery, discuss with the surgeon the risks, benefits, results and Cost. urgical repair of cleft palate •A congenital fissure as a rule is repaired with surgery called palatoplasty (PAL-eh-tuh-plass- tee) when the infant is 10 a year old. The objectives of palatoplasty are to: Close the opening between the nose and mouth. Help make a palate that functions admirably for discourse. Contact info • Address: Dubai • phone: +971588230420 • Website: