Attack Resistant Query Processing Framework for MANET


Uploaded on Apr 16, 2020

Category Education

The mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) are temporary wireless networks. Emergency and rescue operations are supported with MANET environment. Data values in a mobile node can be shared with all the nodes in the network. The query values are issued for the shared data access. The intermediate nodes retransmit the query and its response values to other nodes. Different routing schemes can be adapted to transfer the query and response values. All the MANET applications are designed with the consideration of the limited battery power and bandwidth levels. Data provider node maintains the data items for query process. The query-issuing node foods a query over the entire network. The K-data items are replied with highest score values with multiple routes. Data Replacement Attacks are initiated to change the data items in query reply. The query-issuing node tries to detect attacks from the information attached to the reply messages. The malicious nodes are identified with the message communication with other nodes. Multiple malicious nodes can not be identified using a single query value. Malicious node information are shared with other nodes. All the nodes are divided into groups. Malicious nodes are identified with the information collected from the groups. The attacks are discovered with reply route details. Local and global identification methods are adapted for the malicious node detection process. The MANET data sharing scheme is designed to access the shared data with security. The mobile ad-hoc network nodes are grouped as clusters with reference to its coverage and resource levels. Cluster based malicious node discovery process is performed in the system. Liar node and False Notification Attack (FNA) discovery mechanisms are integrated with the system. Message authentication methods are integrated to control malicious nodes. Data confidentiality and integrity verification schemes are combined in the message authentication mechanism.

Category Education
