Uploaded on Apr 14, 2020
Thispaper deals with advanced Agriculture with IOT technology. Internet of Things (IoT)is a shared network of objectsor things which can interact with each other provided theinternet connection. IoT plays an important role in agricultureindustry which can feed 9.6 billion people on the Earth.In proposed system, the soil moisture level will be monitored and the motor is ON to irrigate the field but this system is totally different and user free technology to safeguard the farmland. This system has an IOT (Internet of Thinking) technology to control the world wide equipment. When the land is below moisture content the motor connected in that particular field will be activated to irrigate the field. If heavy forecast or flood surround the land, another motor will be used to remove the excess water and deliver it to well or water bed. The advanced technology used here in the project is IOT’s by which the user can control and monitor their irrigation methodology at any place by using the IOT techniques.