Implementation of laboratory management


Uploaded on Apr 15, 2020

Category Education

The Laboratory management system is powerful, flexible, and easy to use and is designed and developed to deliver real believable benefits to hospitals. And more importantly it is backed by stable and dependable support. This system is made for multispecialty Laboratory, to cover a wide range of Laboratory administration and management processes. It is a combined end-to-end Lab System that provides relevant information across the Laboratory to support effective decision making for patient care, Laboratory administration, and provide medicine in a seamless flow. All the required modules and appearance have been particularly built to just placed in to your requirement. It covers all the needed modules right from Patient Registration, Lab staff, Admin and other required modules. To execute this project we use and the Data base is SQL Server 2008. Because is very powerful language to write, understand easily also user friendly to both Programmer and user compare to all other web technologies.

Category Education
