Appendicitis Symptoms,treatment health packages and cost|Meddco


Uploaded on Jan 6, 2020

Get the best way to protect your abdominal Health Care tips visit appendectomy on Meddco. Search and compare Appendicitis Health Care Packages and Cost, diagnostic tests price, etc among various hospitals near your location with just a single click



Appendicitis Symptoms,treatment health packages and cost|Meddco

Download App Appendicitis Concepts Of Appendicitis Download App • Appendix is a long tube of tissue located at the lower right side under the large intestine in the body. • Appendicitis is rare in children under age 2 and most common between the ages 10-30. • The exact function of appendix is yet to be discovered, it can be related to the immune system or help with digestion. • At Meddco you can search and compare the costs of fixed healthcare packages and avail affordable surgery, treatment and diagnostics.  Symptoms of Appendicitis Download App Symptoms of appendix Severe cramps Loss of appetite Indigestion Swollen belly High fever Nausea and vomiting Causes Of Appendicitis Download App Blockage due to hardened or build up stool Enlarging of lymphoid follicles Tumors Injury Intestinal worms Prevention Of Appendicitis Download App Vegeta bles Lentils etc Fruits Split Oat peas meal Whole Brown wheat rice RISK FACTORS FOR APPENDICITIS Download App Gender: Appendicitis is seen in men more than women. Genetics: Age factor: A family having appendicitis in the Appendicitis is more history is at risk of common between the passing it on to the ages 15-30 years future generations TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS Download App Needle drainage Surgery Pain relievers Liquid diet IV fluids SURGERY FOR APPENDICITIS Download App There are two types of surgeriies involved dependiing on the severity of the condiitiion. Severe condition of appendicitis or acute appendicitiis can cause rupture if left untreated. IIn this condition the symptoms are experiienced quicklly within 1-2 days and can be fatal. Book Doctor Appointment Download App You can also have a look at the reviews, ratings and Search and compare facilities at the hospitals & surgical treatment prices, clinics in your area. Get medical treatment prices, appointments booked in Download app now | Visit diagnostic tests price etc just 30 seconds and learn among various hospitals more about the nearest website. near your location with health check up camps and m/ just a single click. their dates and venues to get a health check up for free or at discounted rates. Download App Meddco House 209, Flying Colors, Deendayal Upadhyaya Marg, Mulund West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. PIN Code : 400080, Contact Us : +91703997039