Why Your Business Needs Cloud Application?


Uploaded on Dec 10, 2019

Category Technology

Cloud applications generally used in internet technologies. These help in various industries. Infoxen Technologies delivered high class cloud development services. This PPT focus on why your business need cloud development services. https://bit.ly/2KUIThf

Category Technology



Why Your Business Needs Cloud Application?

Why Your Business Needs Cloud Application? +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] Most of you are aware or at-least heard about cloud application. Businesses irrespective of their size or area of operations are switching to cloud computing environment. A Right Scale’s report in 2016 stated that almost 95 % of the businesses that participated in a survey were already using some kind of cloud infrastructure. More and more businesses are shifting to cloud. This has resulted in cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services witnessing rapid growth. A few years back the main question was whether to switch to cloud computing or not. Today, the question itself has transformed. You now have to decide on whether you want to use commercially available services or develop your own. Reliance on third-party services is not necessary as business can build their own software. But why should a business invest time and resources to develop their own app when it is readily available in the market? +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] The cloud is already big, and it is expected to get only bigger! This is not surprising given the myriad of benefits that cloud offers. +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] Well, I can think of Seven Reasons Why Your Business Needs Cloud Application. Save As Security Tighten Bend it Like Penny, Save Alert Your Control Beckham A Dollar Occupy All Fast, Faster, Watch Your the Space Fastest Back You Want +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] As Cost is always a factor and when businesses Save , develop their own app it is likely that they will Penn y cut their costs. Personal clouds cost less. Save A Getting the software developed will involve llar high costs upfront, but once that expense is Do incurred, the job is done. As long as business employ the right software, they can be rest assured that they will not be burdened with the cost of additional seats. +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] Security Alert One shortcoming of the cloud storage that is criticized highly is related to security. Though cloud is not exactly insecure, poor practices lead to untoward incidents. Security Alert Dropbox has been in news due to wrong reasons. The security issue is a concern bothering other cloud providers as well. +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] Tighten Your Control Control freaks can have their data in their own hands! I love that idea. Businesses wanting this are not necessarily control freaks. If a business relies on a third party, it would have little control over how the cloud is used or how quickly it can be expanded. All major decisions lie with the business which can decide how large the cloud should be, how many users should be given access and how strong the security should be. Literally everything! +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] Bend it Like Beckham +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] Fast, Faster, Fastest In business, speed is an important factor. Workflow needs immediacy otherwise bottleneck will be created. This is unacceptable in business. This is another reason why business should have their own app. Heavy use will translate into long hours for syncing the documents. Even if the service provider is fast, internet speed can cause delays. When a business has its own cloud, it relies on its own internal network which increases the speed by ten times. Is this reason not good enough to develop your own cloud app? +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] Occupy All the Space Exhausted your space on cloud? Not a problem, use another drive. This luxury is not available in case of a third-party You Want solution. Though service providers may offer more space, it comes with a price. Under utilization of that space would mean that the business is paying for something that it is not using. No such issues with in-house app. Business can use as much space as required and add or remove storage when the need arises. image source +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] es ething go ss do i f som d up? sine k e d a bu d is no t bac re at wou l su h n cl ou can b e W d data o usines s p. No t n b u wrong a loud, se c ate b ack as to ith in- hou up-t o-d ness h W ave e busi the at th ey h easy. T h ut th his is anage it, b a ng tha t t and m Even if sayi ck up ith it. ver t up t he ba w reco se pletely lies s can sines ol comontr curs, t he bu ut dela y. c ophe o c o astr tions with cat ume o pera res Watch Your Backand +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected] There are many reasons to develop cloud storage app in- house. Hence the decision boils down to one major factor. Do you have time and resources to develop and manage the Cloud Application. If the answer is yes, why wait? The post Why Your Business Needs Cloud Application? appeared first on Infoxen. +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com image source [email protected] +91-120-4106877 www.infoxen.com [email protected]