Uploaded on Dec 21, 2022
Getting a good night’s rest is essential for everyone. But, if you have type 2 diabetes, you need to take your rest hours more seriously. It is so because inadequate sleep can negatively impact your blood sugar levels. When you acquire too little sleep, your body produces cortisol.
How to catch a good night’s rest if you have diabetes
How to catch a good night’s rest if you have diabetes? Getting a good night’s rest is essential for everyone. But, if you have type 2 diabetes, you need to take your rest hours more seriously. It is so because inadequate sleep can negatively impact your blood sugar levels. When you acquire too little sleep, your body produces cortisol. The hormone increases insulin resistance and escalates blood sugar levels. On the other hand, sleeping too much is also not good for your health. A study suggests diabetic people who rested less or more were at an elevated risk of dying early. So, here are a few strategies to help ensure you get optimal rest. Tips to sleep better for diabetes patients: Check for sleep apnea: Sleep apnea is a common disorder in people who have type 2 diabetes. A study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine revealed that 7 out of 10 people with OSA had sugar problems. It is so because diabetic people are overweight and have excess fat in the neck. It is a risk factor for sleep apnea, a condition where breathing starts and stops when asleep. This condition can affect the body’s oxygen supply and lead to lower sleep quality. So, if you suspect you have sleep apnea, ask your doctor to conduct a sleep test. You can go to the lab or arrange for a home sleep test. Practise good sleep hygiene: Experts suggest every adult to get at least seven to eight hours of rest. But, many people do not get adequate hours of sleep. If you are a diabetic patient, it becomes even more important to rest. For this, it is advised to follow good sleep hygiene. Diabetic patients should follow tips like not drinking alcohol hours before bedtime, not consuming caffeine after the evening, maintaining an appropriate sleep environment, and other advice. Maintain a regular bedtime: Diabetic patients should take care to follow a routine. They should go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including at the weekend. If you maintain a consistent sleep schedule, it will help your body’s internal clock work best. Studies suggest that kids with consistent bedtime perform better on executive function, memory, and attention tests. Another report advises that a regular sleep routine also helps maintain overall health. Turn off electronic devices: To sleep better, diabetic patients are advised to turn off their electronic devices like their smartphones. The blue light from your phone or laptop can poorly affect your sleep and keep you awake. This is not good for their health. Sleep is essential for all, it is even more vital for people with diabetes. Not catching on to seven to eight hours of rest every night can negatively impact your blood sugar levels. Thank You