Things to know about CPAP machines during the Covid-19 pandemic


Uploaded on Jun 1, 2022

For those suffering from sleep apnea, a condition where your breathing is hindered, the use of a CPAP machine is recommended



Things to know about CPAP machines during the Covid-19 pandemic

Things to know about CPAP machines during the Covid-19 pandemic For those suffering from sleep apnea, a condition where your breathing is hindered, the use of a CPAP machine is recommended. The device ensures a continuous flow of air into your lungs and helps you breathe without any hassle. But, is the use of a CPAP device advised during the time of the pandemic? Is it safe for the patient and his family if the individual inhales and exhales air with the assistance of CPAP? To find out these answers and more information on CPAP use during the pandemic, follow the next sections. Here you go! Is the risk of catching covid-19 higher in sleep apnea patients? If we follow the evidence that has been collected to date, nothing suggests that sleep apnea can be linked with a higher risk of coronavirus. 1. If someone is suffering from covid-19, will CPAP assist with the treatment? The CPAP device ensures a continuous supply of oxygen to the lungs and helps you breathe. It is an effective treatment option for anyone suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, but the device may not prove as successful with any other condition. Sleep apnea patients who have covid-19 are recommended to continue using this machine. It is so because if you don’t use CPAP, you may not be able to catch up on good quality sleep. It may weaken your immune system and make it difficult for your body to heal. 2. Are CPAP machines not the same as ventilators? Both CPAP machines and ventilators are considered part of mechanical ventilation. However, there is a significant difference between the two. While the CPAP machine provides a steady stream of pressurized air to your lungs and keeps the airway open while sleeping, a ventilator is a treatment option for serious patients who cannot breathe on their own. Those relying on a ventilator need tubing to be medically inserted into their body, while using CPAP only involves using a mask.  3. Since I have tested positive for covid-19, should I stop using CPAP? Sleep apnea patients who have tested positive for covid-19 should continue with their CPAP treatment. It will help you catch up on a good night’s sleep, which will benefit your overall health. Such people are advised to strictly adhere to the guidelines for cleaning the CPAP mask and equipment. They should clean the machine at least two times a week for the duration they are positive. After recovering from the covid-19, they must remember to replace the filters and disposable accessories. 4. Can using CPAP spread covid-19 to the bed partner? If you have symptoms of covid-19, you should isolate yourself in a separate room. Besides, using CPAP reduces the risk of aerosolization if the mask the patient is using is a good fit. 5. How often should my CPAP mask and hose be disinfected? Patients with coronavirus are advised to disinfect their mask, tubing, filter, and humidifier daily until the signs of cold, virus, or flu disappear. You should clean the device twice instead of only once a week for precaution. So, these are a few answers regarding the use of CPAP machines that covid-19 positive patients are eagerly searching for. Thank You