How does insomnia affect your heart health


Uploaded on Nov 23, 2021

A good night of sleep is essential for ensuring your health and well-being. It not only keeps you physically active but also guarantees mental peace.



How does insomnia affect your heart health

How does insomnia affect your heart health? A good night of sleep is essential for ensuring your health and well- being. It not only keeps you physically active but also guarantees mental peace. Your sleep is also directly linked to the fitness of your heart. The inability to rest properly can cause problems like heart failure, increased heart rate, and chest pain. To know more, read further to find out how insomnia leads to poor heart health. Here you go! What is insomnia? For those who are not familiar with what is insomnia, it is a type of sleep disorder in which you find it difficult to stay or fall asleep. It can be both acute and chronic and may come and go over time. Chiefly, it is of two types- Primary Insomnia- In this type of insomnia, your sleep deprivation is not connected to heart problems or any other kind of health problems. Secondary Insomnia- People who have this type of insomnia find it difficult to fall asleep because of a health condition such as cancer, arthritis, asthma, or heartburn. Is insomnia related to heart health? Sleep problems and heart issues are a two-way street. Generally, if you have heart problems, you will have difficulty falling asleep, and if you have sleep troubles, you will develop heart problems sooner or later. It is so because when you are sleeping, your body gets time to restore and recharge. During this time, your cardiovascular system also rejuvenates. However, if you have insomnia, then lack of sleep can contribute to diabetes or heightened risk of heart disease and heart attack. How does insomnia lead to heart issues? One of the most common sleep disorders, insomnia, puts your heart at risk. This is how it worsens your health- Insomnia and BP People who are able to sleep for seven to eight hours at night experience nocturnal dipping. It refers to a 10%-20% drop in your BP rate when you are asleep. Researches suggest that this is vital for your cardiovascular health. If you experience poor quality sleep or can’t sleep at all, your BP does not dip. Nocturnal BP is more predictive of heart problems than high BP during the day. According to studies, elevated BP at night leads to hypertension and an increased risk of a heart attack. 2. Insomnia and heart failure Heart failure happens when the heart is not pumping enough blood to offer the required oxygen level to the human body. Studies show that people who get less than seven hours of sleep per night face an elevated risk of heart failure. Those who have indicators of unhealthy sleep like daytime sleepiness, snoring, and insomnia are more vulnerable to heart diseases. The more signs one displays, the more is his likelihood of experiencing heart failure. 3. Insomnia and Coronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease can also happen as a result of poor quality sleep. It is so because when you are unable to rest properly, chronic inflammation is triggered. It leads to plaque formation in the arteries and contributes to their hardening and narrowing. This condition is known as atherosclerosis.  Besides, the impact of sleep deprivation causing hypertension is also responsible for coronary heart disease. Hypertension strains the arteries and makes them less effective in transporting blood to the heart. It makes your heart vulnerable. By and large, sleep disorders have a negative effect on your health. They have an adverse effect on your physical and mental well-being and a detrimental impact on your heart health. Insomnia that is a common sleep disorder and prevalent in people, can be linked to elevated cardiovascular health risks. So, if you have trouble falling asleep, then you need to pay this some attention! Thank You