Tips to avoid ten common problems caused by using a CPAP machine


Uploaded on Dec 14, 2021

CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure machine is a common therapy for easing the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.



Tips to avoid ten common problems caused by using a CPAP machine

Tips to avoid ten common problems caused by using a CPAP machine CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure machine is a common therapy for easing the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. The device features a hose connected to a mask used for delivering constant and steady air pressure. Although it is quite effective in its work, a CPAP machine can cause some problems. These include a leaky mask, stuffy nose, dry mouth, and high pressure. Someone who is not used to wearing a CPAP device might feel uneasy and difficult to sleep because of these issues. So, to help him out, we have enlisted some tips that can help you deal with these problems. Have a look! Find the right mask The CPAP machine features a mask that you need to put around your nose. It comes in different types and shapes in order to suit everyone's needs. A full-face mask covers your mouth and nose and is well-suited for people who breathe through their mouth when asleep. Another type comes with a nasal pillow that is convenient and can be easily fit under the nose. One more factor that you need to pay attention to when looking for a suitable mask is size. CPAP masks are available in different sizes and are mostly adjustable. Thus, before getting one for yourself, you should make sure it fits the contour of your face. Get used to it Wearing a CPAP mask can be uncomfortable. So, to get used to it, first, you should only wear the mask for a short while when you are awake. Then, in the next step, you can try wearing it with the machine turned on. Once you get used to how that feels when you are awake, you can start using the CPAP device every time you sleep, even during the daytime naps. The trick here is to keep trying. Sticking with a mask will aid you in getting used to it eventually. 3. Use Humidifier A loose and leaky mask is often the culprit behind a dry and stuffed nose. If you have to fit the mask's straps repeatedly, then it means the size is not right. In that case, you should try changing the mask. However, if the size is not the issue, then you can fix the problem by using a CPAP machine that has a heated humidifier. Or else, you can also try using a nasal spray before bedtime. Practice with the Mask If wearing the mask makes you anxious and claustrophobic, then you should practice putting on the mask while you are awake. Begin by just holding it up over your face when it is not touching any other parts. Once you get used to it, you should try putting on the mask with straps. Next, try holding the mask with the attached hose. Turn on the machine with the ramp feature on. Then, put on the straps and try to sleep with the CPAP and mask turned on. You can also try some relaxation exercises to reduce your anxiety and claustrophobia. So, these are some tricks that people who have issues with CPAP machines should try to get used to the machine. THANK YOU