Uploaded on Aug 24, 2022
Four out of five people with regular heartburn or acid reflux suffer from nighttime heartburn. The bitter taste and discomfort can cause uneasiness that can make falling asleep challenging and even elusive.
What are some tips to improve nighttime heartburn
What are some tips to improve nighttime heartburn? Four out of five people with regular heartburn or acid reflux suffer from nighttime heartburn. The bitter taste and discomfort can cause uneasiness that can make falling asleep challenging and even elusive. While you can always take over-the-counter meds and prescription drugs to treat the heartburn symptoms, the better approach is to make lifestyle changes to prevent the problem. Here is what you can do. Have a look! Lifestyle changes that can help relieve heartburn For relieving nighttime heartburn, so you can sleep peacefully, here are some techniques. Have a glance! Sleep on the left side: Lying on your left side is the best sleep position to relax if you have nighttime heartburn. Patients can remember this by reciting right is wrong. However, resting on their left side might be difficult for people who are used to sleeping on their back. So, to get used to it, heartburn patients are recommended to try sleep pillows. 2. Lose Weight: Heartburn symptoms intensify and become more severe as you gain weight. So, the trick is to lose a few pounds. Losing only a little weight, as few as two and a half pounds, can help improve your condition. 3. Avoid some foods: Having certain foods can trigger heartburn. Some common foods and drinks that must be avoided include alcohol, caffeinated drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, peppermint, garlic, milk, fried foods, onions, spices, and greasy items. Along with these, you should also keep away from citrus or tomato products. 4. Avoid late-night meals: To avoid stomach acid, it is recommended to have your last meal at least two to three hours before bedtime. The portions should be small as large meals put pressure on your stomach. Also, for better sleep, you should let your stomach partially empty its contents before falling asleep. 5. Relax when you eat: Because we are busy, several times, we eat in a rush. This is not ideal as it causes stress and makes the stomach produce more acids. Thus, you should not hurry and eat slowly while having a meal. Also, after you have had your lunch/dinner, you should not lie down immediately. Instead, it would help if you tried relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. 6. Stay upright after eating: After you have had your meal, make sure not to go to sleep immediately. Instead, stay upright for some time after having food. The exercise is recommended as it reduces the risk of the acid creeping up to your oesophagus. It would help if you kept from bending or straining to lift heavy objects. 7. Chew gum: To improve nighttime heartburn, chewing on gum is recommended. Doing so encourages the production of saliva that soothes your oesophagus and washes acid down into your stomach. So, these are a few lifestyle changes you must make to avoid heartburn and get better sleep. Thank You