
Uploaded on Nov 1, 2021

Category Technology

Jamie Goldstein highland beach has been in the business for a long time. He is sure that everyone can have a great future in real estate sales, and he is sure that you can enjoy his amazing lifestyle. Jamie Goldstein highland beach also provides a great opportunity for a better future. He may be the right investment person you have been looking for.

Category Technology




JAMIE G O L D S T E I N H I G H L A N D BEACH-TIPS FOR SUCCEE DING I N REAL ESTATE 0 1 Real estate prelicensing education TIPS F O R prepares you to pass the licensing exam. However, it is light on SUC CEEDING information about how to be a I N REAL successful real estate agent after you EST AT E pass the exam. If you ask, your instructor will say you need to be skilled at marketing yourself, work hard, build a good book of business, network, and generate leads—all good advice. 0 2 1. H a n g y o u r l i cense wi th the brokerage that’s right for you . 0 3 Most realestate companies are constantly recruiting salespeople. However, these brokers can differ a great deal in structure, operation, and philosophy. So, to be successful as a real estate agent, you shouldn’t sign with any brokerage until you do some homework on your options. 0 4 2. Create a p lan for success a nd h o l d yourse l f accountable . 0 5 Write one or two sentences about what could make you compelling to potential clients. This is your unique selling proposition. Develop a budget with a focus on the activities that you identify as having the potential for the highest ROI. This will ensure efficient use of funds for the right reasons. Create a calendar to guide planning for marketing and networking activities like email blasts, social media, trade shows, print mailers, and paid search. Develop metrics and daily activities all driven toward helping you meet your goals. 0 6 3. Have savings that can tide you over in lean times. 0 7 At minimum, a realestate agentneeds a mobile phone,a car (in most places), a computer, and wifi.These are things many brokerages expect you to provide yourself, along with other business startup costs. In addition, it might be a few months or so before you earn your firstcommission, andyou’re going to have to be able to cover daily living expenses. 0 8 People shop for homes in their free time, which is typically nights and weekends. Buyers and sellers 4.Embrace expect their r eal estate agent to awt onrikgihntg and bfoer ashvaoiwlainbgles, open houses, and on office visits on their schedules. weekend Don’t treat working off hours as a s. chore. Instead, embrace it, especially early in your career. Volunteer to work open houses for other agents on weekends. 0 9 T h a n k You! For sharing your day with us Website http s://www.pillar.vc/team/jamie-goldstein/ 1 0