Telemedicine during COVID-19 Benefits & Limitations


Uploaded on Jul 2, 2020

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Telemedicine during COVID-19 Benefits & Limitations

Telemedicine during COVID-19 : Benefits & Limitations 7 Most Common Modifiers in Chiropractic Billing With the outbreak of COVID-19, telemedicine has come into the spotlight. It is one of the most emerging fields these days. During this pandemic, telehealth has made a very positive contribution to healthcare. It is bridging the gap between the patients & physicians, enabling everyone to stay at home & communicate through the virtual channel, reducing the spread of virus among the masses. Telemedicine is the use of a digital platform that involves online diagnosis & treatment of people through voice calls, video-calls, and various other electronic mediums. The process starts after the person registers himself. After that the diagnosis is done by the doctor on a video call & e- prescription is provided. It helps in brihnttgp:/i/wnwgw. 2t47hmeed icdalobilclintgsoerrv ic&es. cpoma t ients together more effectively. Telemedicine during COVID-19 : Benefits & Limitations Let’s have a look at the benefits of the telemedicine – • Convenient & accessible • Cost-effective • Increasing engagements • Better quality Let’s see what are the limitations of telemedicine & how hospitals are adapting to it - • It requires technical training & various equipment’s • It reduces the interpersonal contact • Reimbursements are difficult Telemedicine during COVID-19 : Benefits & Limitations It has been accepted that telemedicine is here to stay & continue the future healthcare practices. It will promote the safe, effective & efficient telehealth services in the healthcare sector. We at 24/7 Medical Billing Services provide telehealth & telemedicine services. If you need any assistance, you can contact us! We are there to help you round the clock. Want to know more? Let’s connect! Telemedicine during COVID-19 : Benefits & Limitations About 24/7 Medical Billing Services: We are a medical billing company that offers ‘ 24/7 Medical Billing Services’ and support physicians, hospitals, medical institutions and group practices with our end to end medical billing solutions. We help you earn more revenue with our quick and affordable services. Our customized Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) solutions allow physicians to attract additional revenue and reduce administrative burden or losses. Contact:  24/7 Medical Billing Services Tel: +1 888-502-0537 Email: info@24ht7tp:m//wwew.2d47micedaicallbbilliniglslerivnicesg.cosme