5 Tips From a Patent Attorney


Uploaded on Feb 19, 2020

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5 Tips From a Patent Attorney

5 Tips From a Patent Attorney Confidentiality Guidelines Patent attorneys and patent agents are required by federal regulations to keep confidential the information they obtain from clients. Confidentiality requirements embodied in federal regulations specifically applicable to patent attorneys apply not only to those who are clients but to prospective clie nts. A prospective client is anyon e who comes to a patent attorney seeking help, advice or direction on a legal matter. Be Prepared to Pay for Services Expect to pay for services rendered. You are going to a professional to seek pro fessional assistance. Patent attor neys and patent agents do not sell products; they sell services, which means all they have to sell is time. How to Shop Around Everyone has a budget, so it is hardly a shock to learn that independent inventors must keep costs reasonable. Patent attorneys and patent agents should be able to tell you roughly how much it will cost through filing a pat ent application with relatively close precision after learning a little about your invention. Be Informed on the Process Let’s return to the theme of preparation. Previously, I referred to preparation in terms of being organized about the information you have on your invention. Now it is important to understand the importance of being info rmed with respect to patent law an d process. https://bit.ly/38ie3cf