Updated Cisco 820-605 Exam Dumps - 820-605 Question Answers


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Updated Cisco 820-605 Exam Dumps - 820-605 Question Answers

Ci s co 8 20-6 05 Ex am Cisco Cus t ome r Succe ss Ma nage r ( CSM) Exam https://www.realexamcollection.com/cisco/820-605-dumps.html P roduc t Que s tions : 50 Ve rs ion: 8 .0 Q uesti on:1 From a C ustom er Succe ss pe rspe cti ve,w hi ch re as on to m on i tor your cu stom er ’ s he al th is th e m ost i m por ta nt? A . It prov i de s the opportuni ty to addre ss any chang es in the custom er’ s ex pe ri e nce or acti ons around the s ol uti on B. It al l ow s the custom er to i de nti fy unus ed li ce ns es so the y ca n be addre ss ed vi a a se rv i ce im prov em e nt p l an C . U nde rstandi ng your custom er’ s he al th di re ctl y enabl es re ne wals D. It gi ve s the custom er va l ua bl e i ns i g ht so they ca n autom ati ca l ly re ne w cri ti ca l on time Answer :C Re fe re nce: h ttp s :/ / w w w. ga i ns i g h t. com /cu stom e r-s u cce ss -b e st-p ra cti ce s/ how -to-s core -cu stom e r-he al th/ Q uesti on:2 W hat are tw o barri e rs of adopti on in an organi zati on? (C hoose tw o.) A . ne w product sal es m oti on B . l a ck of k now l e dg e on s ol uti on C . organi zati onal announcem e nts D. i m pl e m e n ta ti on i ssues E . hi ri ng practi ces Answer : BD Q uesti on:3 D R A G DR OP Dra g and drop thre e va l id el em e nts of a succe ss pl an from the le ft to the ri g ht. N ot al l opti ons are us e d. Answer: Q uesti on:4 W hi ch li st of com pone nts of a C ustom er Succe ss Q uarte rl y Succe ss Re vi ew is com m on? A . re sul ts from pri or quarte r, product roadm ap, propose d m arke ti ng ne w products , and confirm g oa l s for the n ex t qua r ter B. re sul ts from pri or quarte r,ag re ed acti ons com pl ete bde, nchm arki ng wi th the m arke ta, nd con firm g oal s for next quarter C . resul ts from pri or quarter,se rv i ce s de li ve rei sds,ue s and ope n se rv i ce s casea s n, d con fir m g oa l s for n ex t qua r ter D. re sul ts from pri or quarte r,cov e r roa dm ap a nd prom ote ne w produ ctasn, d confir m g oa l s for next q ua r ter Answer :C Q uesti on:5 W hi ch i te m shoul d the C ustom erSucce ss Ma na g er focus on to e na bl e the a dopti on ofa s oftwa re s ol uti on? A . KP I that wi ll be im prov ed by the ne w product sol uti on B. curre nt ex i sti ng products that are be i ng di spl ace d by the sol uti on C . curre nt config urati on g ui de of the product sol uti on D. product us e ca se that wi ll a chi ev e the de si re d outcome Answer :D https://www.realexamcollection.com/cisco/820-605-dumps.html