
Uploaded on Oct 15, 2019

Category Technology

Biotech Products In- house training Aurelius Global Masterclass is providing the best in house Biotech Products training and masterclass on latest technologies in Austria, Europe. This for Biotech Products In house- training in Austria professionals that are new to the biotechnology industry Manufacturing Management Should Attend This biotech Products Masterclass This biotech Products Masterclass The principles of regulatory-scientific Quality assessment for these Biotech Products Training in Europe.

Category Technology




AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS Biiottecch Prroduccttss iin House Traiiniing AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS ABOUT US  Aurelliius Corporate Sollutiions wants to be seen and accepted as one stop shop ffor allll iindustry speciiffiic master--cllasses across the gllobe,, thereby makiing the lliine managers wellll versed wiith the acceptablle technollogy and busiiness practiices,, adopted worlldwiide.. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ?  WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIIS BIIOTECH PRODUCTS TRAIINIING IIN AUSTRIIA??  Prroccessss Engiineerriing Shoulld Attttend Thiiss Biiottecch Prroduccttss IIn ttrraiiniing IIn Eurrope  Forrmullattorrss Shoulld Attttend Thiiss biiottecch Prroduccttss Biiottecch Prroduccttss IIn --housse ttrraiiniing  Tecchnollogy Trranssfferr Shoulld Attttend Biiottecch Prroduccttss ttrraiiniing iin Eurrope..  Manuffacctturriing Managementt Shoulld Attttend Thiiss Biiottecch Prroduccttss IIn housse ttrraiiniing  Valliidattiion Specciialliissttss Shoulld Attttend Thiiss Biiottecch Prroduccttss ttrraiiniing iin Eurrope Biotech Products training in Europe  Learniing o How tto opttiimiize budgett by miiniimiiziing downttiime and executtiing smootther Shuttdown & Turnaround projjectt  Sollviing o Techniicall and managementt iissues off Shuttdown & Turnaround’’s enhanciing lliiffe cyclle whiille maiinttaiiniing budgett  Proviidiing o A dettaiilled viiew off tthe tturnaround managementt systtem process and procedurall fframework ffor botth pettrochemiicall pllantts and reffiineriies KEY TOPICS   KEY TOPIICS OF BIIOTECH PRODUCTS TRAIINIING IIN EUROPE  • Regullattory fframework ffor Clliiniicall ttriialls off Biiottech--IIMPs • The qualliitty challllenges ffor Biiottech IIMPs GMP requiirementts ffor IIMPs • Manuffactturiing off tthe Drug Substtance and IIMP • Requiirementts ffor process valliidattiion • IIMPs comparattors and pllacebos • Rellease speciiffiicattiions versus IIn Process Conttrolls,, IICH guiidelliines • Anallyttiicall metthods tthroughoutt clliiniicall devellopmentt,, Battch datta • The siitte mastter ffiille ((SMF)) • Manuffactturiing process changes duriing clliiniicall devellopmentt  Start Tiime DATE & TIME  9::00 am  05–December  ,, 2019,,    Fiiniish Tiime  5::00 pm  06--December  ,, 2019  Address  Amsterdam,, The Netherllands CONTACT US Emaiill::[email protected] Phone::  +44 2032 398083 Our Page