Uploaded on Oct 1, 2019
Biotech Products Training Biotech Products Masterclass is going to happening in Austria by Aurelius global Masterclass. This for Biotech Products In house- training in Austria professionals that are new to the biotechnology industry, Production Management Should Attend This biotech Products Masterclass, . The principles of regulatory-scientific Quality assessment for these Biotech Products Training in Europe. • Process Engineering Should Attend This biotech Products Training • Formulators Should Attend This biotech Products Training. https://aureliusglobalmasterclass.com/events/quality-requirements-for-biotech-products/
AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS Biiottecch PPrroduccttss ttrraiiniing iin Aussttrriia By AURELIIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS ABOUT US AAuurreeliluiuss C Coorrppoorraattee S Sooluluttioionnss w waannttss ttoo b bee s seeeenn a anndd a acccceepptteedd a ass o onnee s sttoopp sshhoopp f oforr a alll li nindduussttrryy s sppeeccifiificc m maasstteerr-- cclalasssseess a accrroossss t thhee g glolobbee, ,t thheerreebbyy mmaakkiningg t thhee l ilninee m maannaaggeerrss w weelll l vveerrsseedd w witithh t thhee a acccceeppttaabblele tteecchhnnoolologgyy a anndd b buussinineessss p prraacctticiceess, , aaddoopptteedd w woorrldldwwididee.. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ? WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS BIOTECH PRODUCTS TRAINING IN AUWSHTOR ISAH?OULD ATTEND THIS BIOTECH PRODUCTS TRAINING IN AUSTRIA? Process Engineering Should Attend This Biotech Products In training InP Eroucreospse Engineering Should Attend This Biotech Products In training In Europe Formulators Should Attend This biotech Products Biotech Products In hoFuosrme utrlaaitnoirnsg Should Attend This biotech Products Biotech Products In house training Technology Transfer Should Attend Biotech Products training in EuTerocphen.ology Transfer Should Attend Biotech Products training in Europe. Manufacturing Management Should Attend This Biotech Products In hoMuasneu tfraacitnuinrigng Management Should Attend This Biotech Products In house training Validation Specialists Should Attend This Biotech Products training in EuVraolipdeation Specialists Should Attend This Biotech Products training in Europe BBioiotteecchh P Prroodduuccttss i nin h hoouussee t trraainininingg Learning Learning o How to optimize budget by minimizing downtime and o How to optimize budget by minimizing downtime and executing smoother Shutdown & Turnaround project executing smoother Shutdown & Turnaround project Solving Solving o Technical and management issues of Shutdown & o Technical and management issues of Shutdown & Turnaround’s enhancing life cycle while maintaining Turnaround’s enhancing life cycle while maintaining budget budget Providing Providing o A detailed view of the turnaround management o A detailed view of the turnaround management system process and procedural framework for both system process and procedural framework for both petrochemical plants and refineries petrochemical plants and refineries KEY TOPICS KKEEYY TTOOPPIICCSS OOFF BBIIOOTTEECCHH PPRROODDUUCCTTSS TTRRAAIINNIINNGG IINN EEUURROOPPEE •• RReegguullaattoorryy ffrraameewwoorrkk ffoorr CClliinniiccaall ttrriiaallss ooff BBiiootteecchh--IIMPPss •• TThhee qquuaalliittyy cchhaalllleennggeess ffoorr BBiiootteecchh IIMPPss GGMPP rreeqquuiirreemeennttss ffoorr IIMPPss •• Maannuuffaaccttuurriinngg ooff tthhee DDrruugg SSuubbssttaannccee aanndd IIMPP •• RReeqquuiirreemeennttss ffoorr pprroocceessss vvaalliiddaattiioonn •• IIMPPss ccoomppaarraattoorrss aanndd ppllaacceebbooss •• RReelleeaassee ssppeecciifificcaattiioonnss vveerrssuuss IInn PPrroocceessss CCoonnttrroollss,, IICCHH gguuiiddeelliinneess •• AAnnaallyyttiiccaall meetthhooddss tthhrroouugghhoouutt cclliinniiccaall ddeevveellooppmeenntt,, BBaattcchh ddaattaa •• TThhee ssiittee maasstteerr fifillee ((SSMFF)) •• Maannuuffaaccttuurriinngg pprroocceessss cchhaannggeess dduurriinngg cclliinniiccaall ddeevveellooppmeenntt t rt DATE & TIME Start Tiime 9::00 am 0055––Deecceembbeerr ,, 22001199,, Fiiniissh Tiime 5::00 pm 0066--Deecceembbeerr ,, 22001199 Addrressss Amsstterrdam,, The Nettherrllandss CONTACT US Emaiill:: [email protected] Phone:: +44 2032 398083 Ourr Page ::aurrelliiussglloballmasstterrccllassss..ccom