
Uploaded on Oct 7, 2019

Category Technology

Biotech Products Training Biotech Products Masterclass is going to happening in Austria by Aurelius global Masterclass. Aurelius Global Masterclass is providing the best in house Biotech Products training and masterclass on latest technologies in Austria, Europe. This for Biotech Products In house- training in Austria professionals that are new to the biotechnology industry, Production Technology Transfer Should Attend This biotech Products Masterclass The principles of regulatory-scientific Quality assessment for these Biotech Products Training in Europe

Category Technology




AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS Biiotech Products Training By AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS ABOUT US  Aurelius Corporate Solutions wants to be seen and accepted as one stop shop for all industry specific master-classes across the globe, thereby making the line managers well versed with the acceptable technology and business practices, adopted worldwide. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ?  WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIIS BIIOTECH PRODUCTS TRAIINIING IIN AUSTRIIA?  Prrocess Engiineerriing Shoulld Attttend Thiis Biiottech Prroductts IIn ttrraiiniing IIn Eurrope  Forrmullattorrs Shoulld Attttend Thiis biiottech Prroductts Biiottech Prroductts IIn house ttrraiiniing  Technollogy Trransfferr Shoulld Attttend Biiottech Prroductts ttrraiiniing iin Eurrope..  Manuffactturriing Managementt Shoulld Attttend Thiis Biiottech Prroductts IIn house ttrraiiniing  Valliidattiion Speciialliistts Shoulld Attttend Thiis Biiottech Prroductts ttrraiiniing iin Eurrope Biotech Products training in Europe  Learrniing o How tto opttiimiize budgett by miiniimiiziing downttiime and executtiing smoottherr Shuttdown & Turrnarround prrojjectt  Sollviing o Techniicall and managementt iissues off Shuttdown & Turrnarround’’s enhanciing lliiffe cyclle whiille maiinttaiiniing budgett  Prroviidiing o A dettaiilled viiew off tthe tturrnarround managementt systtem prrocess and prrocedurrall ffrrameworrk fforr botth pettrrochemiicall pllantts and rrefifinerriies KEY TOPICS   KEY TOPIICS OF BIIOTECH PRODUCTS TRAIINIING IIN EUROPE  • Regullattorry ffrrameworrk fforr Clliiniicall ttrriialls off Biiottech--IIMPs • The qualliitty challllenges fforr Biiottech IIMPs GMP rrequiirrementts fforr IIMPs • Manuffactturriing off tthe Drrug Substtance and IIMP • Requiirrementts fforr prrocess valliidattiion • IIMPs comparrattorrs and pllacebos • Rellease speciifificattiions verrsus IIn Prrocess Conttrrolls,, IICH guiidelliines • Anallyttiicall metthods tthrroughoutt clliiniicall devellopmentt,, Battch datta • The siitte mastterr fifille ((SMF)) • Manuffactturriing prrocess changes durriing clliiniicall devellopmentt  Start TimDe ATE & TIME  9:00 am  05–December  ,, 2019,,    Finish Time  5:00 pm  06-December  , 2019  Address  Amsterdam, The Netherlands CONTACT US Email: [email protected] Phone: +44 2032 398083 Our Page