Uploaded on Oct 14, 2019
Biotech Products Training Biotech Products Masterclass n is going to happening in Austria by Aurelius global Masterclass. This for Biotech Products In house- training in Austria professionals that are new to the biotechnology industry Project Management Should Attend This biotech Products Masterclass The principles of regulatory-scientific Quality assessment for these Biotech Products Training in Europe. https://aureliusglobalmasterclass.com/events/quality-requirements-for-biotech-products/
AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS Biiottecch Prroduccttss Traiiniing AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS ABOUT US Aurelliius Corporate Sollutiions wants to be seen and accepted as one stop shop ffor allll iindustry speciiffiic master--cllasses across the gllobe,, thereby makiing the lliine managers wellll versed wiith the acceptablle technollogy and busiiness practiices,, adopted worlldwiide.. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ? WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIIS BIIOTECH PRODUCTS TRAIINIING IIN AUSTRIIA?? Prroccessss Engiineerriing Shoulld Attttend Thiiss Biiottecch Prroduccttss IIn ttrraiiniing IIn Eurrope Forrmullattorrss Shoulld Attttend Thiiss biiottecch Prroduccttss Biiottecch Prroduccttss IIn --housse ttrraiiniing Tecchnollogy Trranssfferr Shoulld Attttend Biiottecch Prroduccttss ttrraiiniing iin Eurrope.. Manuffacctturriing Managementt Shoulld Attttend Thiiss Biiottecch Prroduccttss IIn housse ttrraiiniing Valliidattiion Specciialliissttss Shoulld Attttend Thiiss Biiottecch Prroduccttss ttrraiiniing iin Eurrope Biotech Products training in Europe Learniing o How tto opttiimiize budgett by miiniimiiziing downttiime and executtiing smootther Shuttdown & Turnaround projjectt Sollviing o Techniicall and managementt iissues off Shuttdown & Turnaround’’s enhanciing lliiffe cyclle whiille maiinttaiiniing budgett Proviidiing o A dettaiilled viiew off tthe tturnaround managementt systtem process and procedurall fframework ffor botth pettrochemiicall pllantts and reffiineriies KEY TOPICS KEY TOPIICS OF BIIOTECH PRODUCTS TRAIINIING IIN EUROPE • Regullattory fframework ffor Clliiniicall ttriialls off Biiottech--IIMPs • The qualliitty challllenges ffor Biiottech IIMPs GMP requiirementts ffor IIMPs • Manuffactturiing off tthe Drug Substtance and IIMP • Requiirementts ffor process valliidattiion • IIMPs comparattors and pllacebos • Rellease speciiffiicattiions versus IIn Process Conttrolls,, IICH guiidelliines • Anallyttiicall metthods tthroughoutt clliiniicall devellopmentt,, Battch datta • The siitte mastter ffiille ((SMF)) • Manuffactturiing process changes duriing clliiniicall devellopmentt Start Tiime DATE & TIME 9::00 am 05–December ,, 2019,, Fiiniish Tiime 5::00 pm 06--December ,, 2019 Address Amsterdam,, The Netherllands CONTACT US Emaiill::[email protected] Phone:: +44 2032 398083 Our Page ::aurelliiusglloballmastercllass..com