Uploaded on Sep 13, 2019
DECOMMISSIONING Masterclass is going to happening in Amsterdam by Aurelius global masterclass.Decommissioning is a general term for a process to remove something from active status. It may be a precursor to putting facilities/equipment into storage, repurposing, https://aureliusglobalmasterclass.com/events/decommissioning-of-offshore-installations-2/
DECOMMISSIONING TRAINING IN EUROPE Decommissioning is a general term for a formal process to remove something from an active status. Specific instances include: OVERVIEW OF DECOMMISSIONING TRAINING IN EUROPE • Decommissioning of Offshore Installations training course will provide delegates with a detailed awareness and understanding of all aspects of offshore decommissioning from ‘late life operations’ through planning, preparation, execution and close out. WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS DECOMMISSIONING OF OFFSHORE TRAINING IN EUROPE • Oil and Gas Operator key management and project manager should attend this decommissioning masterclass • Personnel (asset management,operations,subseacommercial) should attend this decommissioning masterclass • Contractor/supply chain management/key personnel should attend this decommissioning masterclass HIGHLIGHT OF DECOMMISSIONING TRAINING IN EUROPE • You wiillll get to know about the key components of decommiissiioniing iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Traiiniing • You wiillll get to know about Regullatory iissues iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Traiiniing • You wiillll get to know about Decommiissiioniing strategiies iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Traiiniing • You wiillll get to know about Decommiissiioniing options iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Traiiniing • You wiillll get to know about End of fielld lliife iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Traiiniing • You wiillll get to know about Cessation of production iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Traiiniing WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THIS TRAINING. • The key objective of this Decommissioning Masterclass course is to provide the delegates with a detailed understanding of all aspects of decommissioning. BY THE END OF THIS DECOMMISSIONING TRAINING COURSE, PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN TO: • Plan and execute decommissioning strategies • Develop scopes for the various phases of decommissioning • Identify and manage decommissioning . • Produce a Decommissioning Program Registration Fee • €2496 • Per Participant CONTACT US • Email: [email protected] Phone: +44 2032 398083 • https://aureliusglobalmasterclass.com/events/ decommissioning-of-offshore-installations-2/