Uploaded on Sep 16, 2019
DECOMMISSIONING EUROPE DECOMMISSIONING Masterclass is going to happening in Amsterdam by Aurelius global Masterclass Decommissioning of Offshore Installations training in Europe course will provide delegates with a detailed awareness and understanding of all aspects of offshore decommissioning from ‘late life operations’ through planning, preparation, execution and close out. This training course will be an interactive course delivered through 11 sessions taking the delegates through a ‘decommissioning journey’ gradually going in to more detail with each day progresses. Delegates will take part in discussion and exercises for decommissioning a typical field.. https://aureliusglobalmasterclass.com/events/decommissioning-of-offshore-installations-2/
DECOMMISSIONING IN- EUROPE Decommiissiioniing off Offffshore IInstallllatiions traiiniing course wiillll proviide dellegates wiith a detaiilled awareness and understandiing off allll aspects off offffshore decommiissiioniing ffrom ‘‘llate lliiffe operatiions’’.. OVERVIEW OF DECOMMISSIONING EUROPE Thiis 2-day Decommiissiioniing of Offffshore IInstallllatiions traiiniing course wiillll proviide dellegates wiith a detaiilled awareness and understandiing of allll aspects of offffshore decommiissiioniing from ‘‘llate lliife operatiions’’ through pllanniing,, preparatiion,, executiion and cllose out.. WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS DECOMMISSIONING OF OFFSHORE EUROPE. Oiill and Gas Operator key management and projject manager shoulld attend thiis decommiissiioniing mastercllass.. Personnell (asset management,,operatiions,,subseacommerciiall) shoull d attend thiis decommiissiioniing mastercllass.. Contractor//supplly chaiin management//key personnell shoulld attend thiis decommiissiioniing mastercllass.. HIGHLIGHT OF DECOMMISSIONING OF OFFSHORE MASTERCLASS IN EUROPE You wiillll get to know about the key components off decommiissiioniing iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Mastercllass You wiillll get to know about Regullatory iissues iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Mastercllass You wiillll get to know about Decommiissiioniing strategiies iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Mastercllass.. You wiillll get to know about Decommiissiioniing optiions iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Mastercllass.. You wiillll get to know about End off fifielld lliiffe iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Mastercllass.. You wiillll get to know about Cessatiion off productiion iin thiis Decommiissiioniing Mastercllass.. WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THIS MASTERCLASS The key objjectiive of thiis Decommiissiioniing Mastercllass course iis to proviide the dellegates wiith a detaiilled understandiing of allll aspects of decommiissiioniing.. BY THE END OF THIS DECOMMISSIONING TRAINING COURSE, PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN TO: Pllan and execute decommiissiioniing strategiies Devellop scopes for the variious phases of decommiissiioniing IIdentiiffy and manage decommiissiioniing iinterphases Produce a Decommiissiioniing Program.. Registration Fee €2496 Per Partiiciipant ECmOaiill:N maTstAercCllasTs..r [email protected] Phone: +44 2032 398083 https::////aurelliiusglloballmastercllass..com//events//deco mmiissiioniing-of-offffshore-iinstallllatiions-2//