Food fraud in- house training


Uploaded on Sep 14, 2019

Category Technology

Food fraud In House Training prevention is an important and evolving food industry focus. All organizations recognize the increasing need to demonstrate and provide adequate evidence of their ability to identify and control food safety hazards regardless of whether these are intentional or unintentional. The Food Safety Management Training Program offers skilled individuals the tools and knowledge needed to transfer into a successful career in the Canadian food and beverage industry.

Category Technology



Food fraud in- house training

Food Fraud IN-HOUSE TRAINING    Food fraud  iis a riisiing concern iin allll parts of the worlld.. Mellamiine iin miillk,, beef beiing repllace by horse meat,, sugar water added to honey,, ….. A llong lliist of scandalls of  food safety and hygiene  has appeared iin the news over the past years,, allll haviing 1 factor iin common:: an economiic profifit for the fraudster,, somewhere allong the supplly chaiin.. Siince not allll criises have a diirect food safety iimpact,, a common HACCP riisk assessment cannot be used to detect riisks.. BENEFITS FOOD FRAUD  IIn tthiis Food Fraud & Autthenttiiciitty Traiiniing parttiiciipantts wiillll understtand tthe maiin ffood saffetty responsiibiilliittiies pllaced on ffood busiiness owner//managers  IIn tthiis Food Fraud & Autthenttiiciitty Traiiniing parttiiciipantts wiillll gett abiilliitty tto devellop a key perfformance mattriix ffor ffood saffetty culltture and conttiinuous iimprovementt  IIn tthiis Food Fraud & Autthenttiiciitty Masttercllass parttiiciipantts wiillll gaiin an iin--deptth understtandiing off  HACCP and food hygiiene regullatiions  and ensure tthatt iitt iis beiing ffulllly iimpllementted iin each ffood busiiness.. How to implement Buying quality food for all  Allways buy fresh food from a relliiablle supplliier iin a cllean premiise..  Allways make sure that you check the expiiry dates of raw materiiall and processed food before purchasiing..  Make sure you do not buy products whiich are damaged,, dented,, puffed or lleakiing.. Thiis iis biiggest  food safetymiistake one can do.. Food safety  food  safety and  food defense  as beiing diistiinct iissues that need to be addressed,, namelly that  food  safety refers to protectiing the  foodsupplly from uniintentiionall contamiinatiion,, whereas  food defense  refers to protectiing the  food  supplly from iintentiionall adullteratiion  with a  motiive to cause harm..  Thanks  Any questiions....  Food fraud traiiniing.. food-fraud-authentiiciity/