Food fraud training in europe


Uploaded on Sep 16, 2019

Category Technology

Food Fraud Masterclass is going to happening in Amsterdam by Aurelius global Masterclass. Food fraud is a rising concern in all parts of the world. Melamine in milk, beef being replace by horse meat, sugar water added to honey, A long list of scandals of food safety and hygiene has appeared in the news over the past years. food fraud in Europe is Food Fraud & Authenticity training In this, examples of real-life cases of food quality and safety are analyzed, and practical ways of conducting

Category Technology



Food fraud training in europe

i FOOD FRAUD TRAINING IN EUROPE • Economic food fraud is a rising concern in all parts of the world. Melamine in milk, beef being replace by horse meat, sugar water added to honey, …. A long list of scandals of food safety and hygiene has appeared in the news over the past years, all having 1 factor in common: an economic profit for the fraudster, somewhere along the supply chain. Since not all crises have a direct food safety impact, a common HACC P risk assessment cannot be used to detect risks. BENEFITS FOOD FRAUD • In this Food Fraud & Authenticity Training participants will understand the main food safety responsibilities placed on food business owner/managers • In this Food Fraud & Authenticity Training participants will get ability to develop a key performance matrix for food safety culture and continuous improvement • In this Food Fraud & Authenticity Masterclass participants will gain an in-depth understanding of HACCP and food hygiene regulations and ensure that it is being fully implemented in each food business. BUYING QUALITY FOOD FOR ALL • Always buy fresh food from a reliable supplier in a clean premise. • Always make sure that you check the expiry dates of raw material and processed food before purchasing. • Make sure you do not buy products which are damaged, dented, puffed or leaking. This is biggest food safetymistake one can do. FOOD SAFETY • food safety and food defense as being distinct issues that need to be addressed, namely that food safety refers to protecting the foodsupply from unintentional contamination, whereas food defense refers to protecting the food supply from intentional adulteration with a motive to cause harm. •Thanks •Any questions.. •Food fraud training. o od-fraud-authenticity/