Shutdown and Turnaround Training


Uploaded on Sep 23, 2019

Category Technology

Shutdown and Turnaround Training Shutdown and Turnaround Masterclass is going to happening in Amsterdam by Aurelius global Masterclass. Shutdown and Turnaround in House Training activities may include preventative care of equipment, general corrective repair of faults Planning and managing shutdowns and turnarounds training in the process plant environment is a complex and demanding function. Turnaround training part of the refining process. These shutdown and turnarounds can be due to a need for maintaining.

Category Technology



Shutdown and Turnaround Training

Shutdown and Turnaround Training By AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS AURELIUS ABOUT US • Aurelius Corporate Solutions wants to be seen and accepted as one stop shop for all industry specific master-classes across the globe, thereby making the line managers well versed with the acceptable technology and business practices, adopted worldwide. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ? • Thiis 3-day traiiniing program has been researched and develloped for Experiienced Managers, Superiintendents, Superviisors, Engiineers, Pllanners, Team Leaders and Coordiinators of: • Shutdowns/Turnarounds • Maiintenance • Engiineeriing • Relliiabiilliity • Pllant • Outage • Asset Management • Operations/Audiit • Safety Shutdown and Turnaround Training • Learniing o How to optimiize budget by miiniimiiziing downtime and executing smoother Shutdown and Turnaround in House Training • Sollviing o Techniicall and management iissues of Shutdown & Turnaround’s enhanciing lliife cyclle whiille maiintaiiniing budget • Proviidiing o A detaiilled viiew of the turnaround management system process and procedurall framework for both petrochemiicall pllants and refineriies KEY TOPICS  Learniing The modell of excellllence for turnaround Sollviing Contractor engagement pllan & iissues Proviidiing Cost controll and estimation Proviidiing 3 workshops and hands-on case studiies taken diirectlly from traiiner’’s experiience Proviidiing How to execute the turnaround DATE & TIME • Start Time • 9:00 am • 18 – –November, 2019,  • Finish Time • 5:00 pm • 20 -Novembe, 2019 • Address • Amsterdam, The Netherlands CONTACT US Email:[email protected] Phone: +44 2032 398083 Our Page : shutdown-turnaround/