Shutdown and Turnaround Training


Uploaded on Sep 28, 2019

Category Technology

Shutdown and Turnaround Training Shutdown and Turnaround Masterclass is going to happening in Amsterdam by Aurelius global Masterclass. Shutdown and Turnaround Training activities may include preventative care of equipment, Technical and management issues of Shutdown & Turnaround’s enhancing life cycle while maintaining budget We also organize In-house training session on this topic, so if you are looking for training on Shutdown & Turnaround training in Amsterdam then We Deliver In-house training for Shutdown & Turnaround. • Learning • o How to optimize budget by minimizing downtime and executing smoother Shutdown & Turnaround Training

Category Technology



Shutdown and Turnaround Training

Shutdown and Turnaround Training By AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS AURELIUS ABOUT US Aurelliius Corporate Sollutiions wants to be seen and accepted as one stop shop for allll iindustry speciific master-cllasses across the gllobe, thereby makiing the lliine managers wellll versed wiith the acceptablle technollogy and busiiness practiices, adopted worlldwiide. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ? Thiis 3--day ttrraiiniing prrogrram has been rresearrched and develloped fforr Experriienced Managerrs,, Superriinttendentts,, Superrviisorrs,, Engiineerrs,, Pllannerrs,, Team Leaderrs and Coorrdiinattorrs off:: Shuttdowns//Turrnarrounds Maiinttenance Engiineerriing Relliiabiilliitty Pllantt Outtage Assett Managementt Operrattiions//Audiitt Saffetty Shutdown and Turnaround Training Learrniing o How tto opttiimiize budgett by miiniimiiziing downttiime and executtiing smoottherr Shutdown and Turnaround iin House Traiiniing Sollviing o Techniicall and managementt iissues off Shuttdown & Turrnarround’’s enhanciing lliiffe cyclle whiille maiinttaiiniing budgett Prroviidiing o A dettaiilled viiew off tthe tturrnarround managementt systtem prrocess and prrocedurrall ffrrameworrk fforr botth pettrrochemiicall pllantts and rrefifinerriies KEY TOPICS  Learrniing The modell off excellllence fforr tturrnarround Sollviing Conttrracttorr engagementt pllan & iissues Prroviidiing Costt conttrroll and esttiimattiion Prroviidiing 3 worrkshops and hands--on case sttudiies ttaken diirrecttlly ffrrom ttrraiinerr’’s experriience Prroviidiing How tto executte tthe tturrnarround DATE & TIME Start Tiime 9:00 am 18 – –November, 2019,  Fiiniish Tiime 5:00 pm 20 -Novembe, 2019 Address Amsterdam, The Netherllands CONTACT US Email:[email protected] Phone: +44 2032 398083 Our Page : shutdown-turnaround/