Shutdown and Turnaround Training


Uploaded on Oct 1, 2019

Category Technology

Shutdown and Turnaround Training Shutdown and Turnaround Masterclass is going to happening in Amsterdam by Aurelius global Masterclass. • Shutdown and Turnaround Training activities may include preventative care of equipment, Technical and management issues of Shutdown & Turnaround’s enhancing life cycle while maintaining budget We also organize In-house training session on this topic, so if you are looking for training on Shutdown & Turnaround training in Amsterdam . Technical and management issues of Shutdown & Turnaround’s enhancing life cycle while maintaining budget

Category Technology



Shutdown and Turnaround Training

SHUTDOWN AND TURNAROUND TRAINING BY AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS AURELIUS ABOUT US  Aurelius Corporate Solutions wants to be seen and accepted as one stop shop for all industry specific master-classes across the globe, thereby making the line managers well versed with the acceptable technology and business practices, adopted worldwide. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ?  Thiis 3-day Training in Amsterdam program has been researched and developed for Experiienced Managers, Superiintendents, Superviisors, Engiineers, Planners, Team Leaders and Coordiinators of:  Shutdowns/Turnarounds  Maiintenance  Engineering  Reliability  Plant  Outage  Asset Management  Operations/Audit  Safety SHUTDOWN AND TURNAROUND TRAINING  Learning o How to optimize budget by minimizing downtime and executing smoother Shutdown and Turnaround Training in Amsterdam  Solving o Technical and management issues of Shutdown & Turnaround’s enhancing life cycle while maintaining budget  Providing o A detailed view of the turnaround management system process and procedural framework for both petrochemical plants and refineries KEY TOPICS  Learniing The modell of excellllence for turnaround Sollviing Contractor engagement pllan & iissues Proviidiing Cost controll and estiimatiion Proviidiing 3 workshops and hands-on case studiies taken diirectlly from traiiner’s experiience Proviidiing How to execute the turnaround DATE & TIME  Start Time  9:00 am  18 – –November, 2019,   Finish Time  5:00 pm  20 -Novembe, 2019  Address  Amsterdam, The Netherlands CONTACT US Email:[email protected] Phone: +44 2032 398083 Our Page : s/shutdown-turnaround/