Shutdown and Turnaround Training


Uploaded on Oct 3, 2019

Category Technology

Shutdown and Turnaround Training Shutdown and Turnaround Masterclass is going to happening in Amsterdam by Aurelius global Masterclass. • Shutdown and Turnaround Training activities may include preventative care of equipment, Technical and management issues of Shutdown & Turnaround’s enhancing life cycle while maintaining budget We also organize In-house training session on this topic, so if you are looking for training on Shutdown & Turnaround training in Amsterdam . Technical and management issues of Shutdown & Turnaround’s Training enhancing life cycle while maintaining budget

Category Technology



Shutdown and Turnaround Training

Shutdown and Turnaround Training By AURELIUS GLOBAL MASTERCLASS AURELIUS ABOUT US Aurelius Corporate Solutions wants to be seen and accepted as one stop shop for all industry specific master- classes across the globe, thereby making the line managers well versed with the acceptable technology and business practices, adopted worldwide. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ? Thiis 3-day Traiiniing iin Amsterdam program has been researched and develloped ffor Experiienced Managers,, Superiinttendentts,, Superviisors,, Engiineers,, Pllanners,, Team Leaders and Coordiinattors off: Shuttdowns/Turnarounds Maiinttenance Engiineeriing Relliiabiilliitty Pllantt Outtage Assett Managementt Operattiions/Audiitt Saffetty Shutdown and Turnaround Training Learrniing o How tto opttiimiize budgett by miiniimiiziing downttiime and executtiing smoottherr Shutdown and Turnaround Traiiniing iin Amsterdam Sollviing o Techniicall and managementt iissues off Shuttdown & Turrnarround’’s enhanciing lliiffe cyclle whiille maiinttaiiniing budgett Prroviidiing o A dettaiilled viiew off tthe tturrnarround managementt systtem prrocess and prrocedurrall ffrrameworrk fforr botth pettrrochemiicall pllantts and rreffiinerriies KEY TOPICS  Learrniing The modell off excellllence fforr tturrnarround Sollviing Conttrracttorr engagementt pllan & iissues Prroviidiing Costt conttrroll and esttiimattiion Prroviidiing 3 worrkshops and hands--on case sttudiies ttaken diirrecttlly ffrrom ttrraiinerr’’s experriience Prroviidiing How tto executte tthe tturrnarround Start TDiAmTE & TeIME 9:00 am 18 – –November, 2019, Finish Time 5:00 pm 20 -Novembe, 2019 Address Amsterdam, The Netherlands Email: [email protected] Phone: +44 2032 398083 Our Page : nts/shutdown-turnaround/ CONTACT US