well-plugging in house training


Uploaded on Sep 27, 2019

Category Technology

Well Plugging Training Well Plugging Masterclass is going to happening in Amsterdam by Aurelius global Masterclass. Well Plugging Aurelius Global is providing In house training on Well Plugging in Europe. Overview This 2-day seminar will cover in depth the topic of well plugging and abandonment, an essential step of the decommissioning phase when well integrity must be assessed, repaired – if needed – and assured for a long time into the future. The session is focused on well plugging Training. Venue Amsterdam, The Neatherlands. https://aureliusglobalmasterclass.com/events/advanced-well-plugging-and-abandonment/

Category Technology



well-plugging in house training

Well Plugging IN House Training AAURREELLIIUSS GLLOBBAALL MAASSTTEERR CCLLAASSSS   LEARN FROM THE BEST IN THE WORLD ABOUT US   AAuurreeliluiuss C Coorrppoorraattee S Sooluluttioionnss p prirdideess itistseelfl fo onn b beeiningg t hthee s stotorerehhoouussee o of f kknnoowwleleddggee, ,i nindduusstrtiraial la anndd t etecchhnnoolologgyy reressoouurcrceess t oto b buuilidld h higighhlyly s soopphhisistitcicaatetedd mmaassteter rc clalasssseess w whhicichh a arere m meeaannt tt oto eemmppoowweer rt hthee w woorkrkfoforcrcee o of ft hthee c clileiennt t oorgrgaannizizaatitoionnss t oto e ennaabblele t htheemm t oto g groroww t htheeiri r bbuussinineessss a anndd o orgrgaannizizaatitoionn. . WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ?  We fifind ourrssellvess ass prrobllem ssollverrss off tthe iindussttrry,, ttecchnollogy and bussiinessssess fforr iindussttrriiall orrganiizzattiionss off allll ttypess and domaiinss..    We,, tthe piioneerrss iin tthe iindussttrry,, owiing tto ourr rreacch arre ablle tto iinflfluencce tthe besstt miindss tto hellp you iimprrove yourr prroccessss sspecciifificcattiionss..  Ourr sspeakerrss arre among tthe besstt iin tthe iindussttrry wiitth handss on experriiencce off tthe rreall ttiime worrkiing enviirronmentt Advanced Well Plugging and Abandonment in House Training  TThiiss 2--daayy sseemiinaarr wiillll ccoovveerr iin deeptth tthee ttopiicc off Weellll PPlluggiing   IIn Houssee TTrraaiinniinngg  ,, TThee sseessssiioon iiss ffooccusseed oon prrooffeessssiioonaallss iinvvollvveed iin deeccoommiissssiiooniing,, weellll iintteegrriittyy,, prrooduccttiioon eengiineeeerriing aand prroojjeecctt maanaageemeentt  KEEY TTOPIICS  IIn tthiiss Weellll Plluggiing aand Abaandoonmeentt Weellll PPlluggiing   iinn Hoouussee TTrraaiinniinngg  paarrttiicciipaanttss wiillll lleeaarrn IInttrroduccttiion ttoo Weellll Abaandoonmeentt aand geett kknoowlleedgee aabooutt Riisskk Maanaageemeentt aand mucch moorree.. KEY TOPICS   In this Well Plugging and Abandonment Training in  In this Well Plugging and Abandonment Training in Europe participants will learn Introduction to Well Europe participants will learn Introduction to Well Abandonment Abandonment  In this Well Plugging and Abandonment Training in  In this Well Plugging and Abandonment Training in Europe participants will understand Key Europe participants will understand Key International Standards International Standards  In this Training participants will understand  In this Training participants will understand Barriers, Materials and Ageing Barriers, Materials and Ageing  In this Training participants will learn Installing  In this Training participants will learn Installing and Repairing Barriers and Repairing Barriers  In this Training participants will learn Geological  In this Training participants will learn Geological barriers barriers  In this Training participants will understand  In this Training participants will understand Alternative Approaches Alternative Approaches DATE & TIME   SSttaarrtt T Timimee   99:0:000 a amm   1144 – –NNoovveemmbbeer,r ,2 2001199, ,    FFininisishh T Timimee   55:0:000 p pmm   1155-N-Noovveemmbbee, ,2 2001199   AAddddrreessss   AAmmsstteerrddaamm, ,T Thhee N Neetthheerrlalannddss CONTACT US E Emmaaili:l: mmaasstetercrclalassss.r.ereggisistrtaratitoionnss@@aauurereliluiuss.i.nin PPhhoonnee: :+ +4444 2 2003322 3 39988008833 O Ouurr P Paaggee : : aauurereliluiussgglolobbaalmlmaasstetercrclalassss.c.coomm