well-plugging in house training


Uploaded on Oct 12, 2019

Category Technology

WELL PLUGGING IN-HOUSE TRAINING Aurelius Global is providing on Well Plugging In house training. Overview This seminar will cover in depth the topic of well plugging In –House Training in Europe, In this Well Plugging and Abandonment Masterclass participants will learn Introduction to Well Abandonment. The session is focused on well plugging Training in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. https://aureliusglobalmasterclass.com/events/advanced-well-plugging-and-abandonment/

Category Technology



well-plugging in house training

Well Plugging in House Training Aurelliius Glloball Master cllass   LEARN FROM THE BEST IN THE WORLD ABOUT US Aurelliius Corporate Sollutiions  prriides iittsellff on beiing tthe sttorrehouse off knowlledge,, iindusttrriiall and ttechnollogy rresourrces tto buiilld hiighlly sophiisttiicatted mastterr cllasses whiich arre meantt tto empowerr tthe worrkfforrce off tthe clliientt orrganiizattiions tto enablle tthem tto grrow ttheiirr busiiness and orrganiizattiion.. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ? We find ourselves as problem solvers of the industry, technology and businesses for industrial organizations of all types and domains.  We, the pioneers in the industry, owing to our reach are able to influence the best minds to help you improve your process specifications. Our speakers are among the best in the industry with hands on experience of the real time working environment Advanced Well Plugging and Aban donment in Training in Europe This 2-day seminar will cover in depth the topic of Well Plugging in House Training , The session is focused on professionals involved in decommissioning, well integrity, production engineering and project management KEY TOPICS In this Well Plugging and Abandonment Well Plugging  Training in Amsterdam get knowledge about Risk Management and much more. KEY TOPICS  IIn tthiis Wellll Plluggiing and Abandonmentt Trraiiniing iin Eurrope parrttiiciipantts wiillll llearrn IInttrroducttiion tto Wellll Abandonmentt IIn tthiis Wellll Plluggiing and Abandonmentt Trraiiniing iin Amstterrdam parrttiiciipantts wiillll underrsttand Key IIntterrnattiionall Sttandarrds IIn tthiis Trraiiniing parrttiiciipantts wiillll underrsttand Barrrriierrs,, Matterriialls and Ageiing IIn tthiis Trraiiniing parrttiiciipantts wiillll llearrn IInsttalllliing and Repaiirriing Barrrriierrs IIn tthiis Wellll Plluggiing iin HouseTrraiiniing parrttiiciipantts wiillll llearrn Geollogiicall barrrriierrs IIn tthiis Trraiiniing parrttiiciipantts wiillll underrsttand Alltterrnattiive Apprroaches Start TimDeATE & TIME 9:00 am 14 –November, 2019,  Finish Time 5:00 pm 15-Novembe, 2019 Address Amsterdam, The Netherlands CONTACT US Emaiill::[email protected] Phone::  +44 2032 398083 Our Page ::aurrelliiusglloballmastterrcllass..com