Uploaded on Oct 30, 2019
WELL PLUGGING TRAINING IN EUROPE Aurelius Global is providing on Well Plugging In house training. Overview In this Well Plugging and Abandonment Master class participants will learn Introduction to Well Abandonment, In this Well Plugging Training participants will learn Introduction to Well Abandonment. The session is focused on well plugging Training in Amsterdam. Well Plugging Training all countries and all time zones. https://aureliusglobalmasterclass.com/events/advanced-well-plugging-and-abandonment/
well-plugging training in Europe
Well Plugging Training In Europe Aurelius Global Master class LEARN FROM THE BEST IN THE WORLD ABOUT US Aurelliius Corporate Sollutiions priides iitsellff on beiing the storehouse of knowlledge,, iindustriiall and technollogy resources to buiilld hiighlly sophiistiicated master cllasses whiich are meant to empower the workforce of the clliient organiizatiions to enablle them to grow theiir busiiness and organiizatiion.. WHO ARE WE ? WHAT WE DO ? We find oursellves as probllem sollvers of the iindustry, technollogy and busiinesses for iindustriiall organiizatiions of allll types and domaiins. We, the piioneers iin the iindustry, owiing to our reach are ablle to iinfluence the best miinds to hellp you iimprove your process speciificatiions. Our speakers are among the best iin the iindustry wiith hands on experiience of the reall tiime workiing enviironment Advanced Well Plugging and Aba ndonment in Training in Europe Thiis 2-day semiinar wiillll cover iin depth the topiic of Wellll Plluggiing iin House Traiiniing , The sessiion iis focused on professiionalls iinvollved iin decommiissiioniing, wellll iintegriity, productiion engiineeriing and projject management KEY TOPICS OF wellll plluggiing mastercllass In thiis Wellll Plluggiing and Abandonment Wellll Plluggiing Traiiniing iin Amsterdam get knowlledge about Riisk Management and much more. KEY TOPICS IIn thiis Wellll Plluggiing and Abandonment Trraiiniing iin Eurrope partiiciipants wiillll llearn IIntroductiion to Wellll Abandonment IIn thiis Wellll Plluggiing and Abandonment Trraiiniing iin Amsterdam partiiciipants wiillll understand Key IInternatiionall Standards IIn thiis Trraiiniing partiiciipants wiillll understand Barriiers,, Materiialls and Ageiing IIn thiis Trraiiniing partiiciipants wiillll llearn IInstalllliing and Repaiiriing Barriiers IIn thiis Wellll Plluggiing iin House Trraiiniing partiiciipants wiillll llearn Geollogiicall barriiers IIn thiis Trraiiniing partiiciipants wiillll understand Allternatiive Approaches DATE & TIME Start Tiime 9:00 am 14 –November,, 2019,, Fiiniish Tiime 5:00 pm 15-Novembe,, 2019 Address Amsterdam, The Netherllands CONTACT US Emaiill:[email protected] Phone: +44 2032 398083 Our Page :aurelliiusglloballmastercllass..com