Uploaded on May 6, 2020
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How to repair a stuck pixel on HP Monitor? Any sort of electronic gadget needs proper care and maintenance for long term stability. Similar is the case with HP products. But no matter how well –designed or popular a particular brand is. It is not immune to errors. And as you are hooked to the web page, you are surely looking for ways to fix a stuck pixel on the HP monitor. Stuck pixels are those that are usually black or white and can be fixed in a couple of ways. Here, we will be primarily concerned with how to repair the same with the help of screen fixing software. For this, we will take the support of HP warranty renewal, since the warranty is like a life support jacket that covers almost all the Hp gadgets be it its laptops, monitor, tablets, adapter, battery, or other peripherals associated with it. Therefore, Steps to repair stuck pixel on Hp screen via using screen –fixing software is: • Screen fixing soft wares have a success rate of over 50 percent. There are both paid and free versions of the same. Both are equally effective in fixing the issues. • Click open the J screen Fix website. It is an online app specialized in fixing stuck pixels. • At the bottom of the same page, tap open the J screen fix program on the browser. • Proceed by locating the stuck pixel. This is relatively an easy process as most of the browser window is black. • Continue by forwarding the pixel-fixer on to the stuck pixel. • Leave the pixel- fixer off for a minimal period of 10 minutes. In the meantime, ensure not to minimize the window or turn off the monitor. • Finally, review the pixel status after leaving it aside for the allotted file duration. Finish by closing the window. If the problem persists, consider shutting the monitor for the day and retrying this above process. For further help, you can take the help of HP extended laptop warranty, to get reliable solutions in the shortest time possible. By availing the benefits offered under the warranty period, get your monitor fixed on time with almost minimal cost. Original blog source https://www.behance.net/gallery/96279311/How-to-repair-a-stuck-pixel -on-HP-Monitor