Uploaded on Feb 17, 2020
Journey health solutions aim to help people with disabilities to be more independent and live an ordinary life. Our team provides you the best responsive disability services under NDIS in Victoria.
Disability services under NDIS in Victoria
A T JOURNEY HEA LTH SOLUTIO NS WE HAV E PR OF ESSIONALS WHO CAN PR OVIDE A RA NG E O F SERV ICES TO SUPPO RT THE MANA G EMENT O F CHA LLENG ING BEHA VIOR S AND CREA TE POSITIVE CHANG E. Behaviour Support Specialist Functional assessments to determine target behaviours of concern and assist to develop positive, evidence based interventions for reducing these. Behaviour Support Development of comprehensive Behaviour Support Plans that aim to limit the likelihood of behaviours of concern increasing or prevent them from developing. Behaviour Support Training and assistance to families, carers or other support staff in implementing behaviour support strategies. Thank You LEAR N M ORE AT: W WW .JHS.O RG .A U A DDR ESS: LEVEL 1 , 2 18 -2 2 2 CARO LINE SPR ING S BLV D CA RO LINE SPR ING S V IC 30 2 3