Role of Technology in Crime Prevention


Uploaded on May 3, 2018

Category Technology

Presentation on role of technology in crime prevention.

Category Technology



Role of Technology in Crime Prevention

Role of technology in crime prevention Role of technology in crime prevention Image Credit:Peel Regional Police Technology helps police force agencies and justice personnel stay a measure in front of crooks, furnishing new methods to identify and stop crimes, in addition to helping prosecutors convict offenders. And also, since emerging technologies are on each side of justice, the kitty- and-mouse game between perpetrators and police isn't-ending, requiring continual adjustments from police force agencies. Discussing Information   Police force agencies are dispersed within a national criminal justice system which involves, regional, condition, and native government bodies, each administering their policing efforts individually. Too frequently previously, insufficient use of timely information avoided various agencies from coordinating their efforts adequately. Advances in the manner agencies share information and employ criminal identification systems have brought to tighter connections between independent police force organizations and universal enforcement standards across jurisdictions. Social Networking   Though it's a social trend around it's a technological breakthrough, social networking use nevertheless furnishes police force advantages of agencies which use we've got the technology effectively. For instance, crooks leave trails using social networking platforms, so justice agencies use Facebook, Twitter along with other channels for vital clues and understanding of criminal behavior. We've got the technology also enables officials to distribute information straight to concerned citizens, letting them know of unfolding crimes and harmful developments. Security and Surveillance Upgrades   Property crimes still decrease statistically, so security and video surveillance upgrades have improved public safety dramatically. Camera technology, for instance, produces modern models with greater picture quality than past versions, and how big high-quality cameras has additionally reduced, letting them be hidden for covert surveillance. Face-recognition technologies are particularly rewarding, enabling police to literally pick faces from crowds. Actually, we've got the technology is really accurate regarding create privacy-legal rights controversies among individuals who feel it's too intrusive. Crime Mapping Technology   Modern computing power accelerates data analysis and enables police force to trace crime trends geographically. That which was once accomplished through numerous man-hrs flowing over information is now dependent on a couple of clicks. Crime mapping enables agencies to zero-in on trouble spots, walking-up enforcement efforts and assisting in getting in fugitives. Like highly sophisticated “pin-maps” highlighting crime location, mapping and geographic profiling give enforcement officials obvious snapshots of crime trends. Mobile Technology   Mobile technology furnishes a digital trail of texts, emails, calls and GPS navigation location information which police force uses to resolve cases. Smartphones are extremely prevalent the contact details along with other data they contain give officials a beginning point for his or her investigations, which frequently unfold in arrests proportional to information gleaned from cellular devices and usage. Using advanced digital forensics technology, investigators find links between suspects as well as their crimes, that might go undetected without mobile connections. Additionally to investigative benefits, mobile technology speeds communication between officials, agencies and citizens.  Technology won't ever replace solid investigative work, but modern advances assist police force efforts to stand above crooks. Mobile technology, social networking, and rapid use of information lead to higher enforcement and prevention. And crime-mapping and video surveillance breakthroughs may also increase public safety, enabling justice agencies to direct sources where they're needed most. THANKS