Gum whitening - PPT


Uploaded on May 28, 2020

When tissue cells of melanocytes secrete more melanin, the dark gums naturally occur. But gum whitening helps brighter smile to unwrap the darkness. I was surprised to see a person from a dental clinic in Dubai doing the same treatment,  and I could see the great result.



Gum whitening - PPT

GUM WHITENING  When tissue cells of melanocytes secrete more melan in, the dark gums naturally occur. But gum whitening  helps brighter smile to unwrap the darkness. I was sur prised to see a person from a dental clinic in Dubai  doing the same treatment,  and I could see the great result. Gingival hyper pigmentation There is a tissue called gingival in our gums. Since, if it got affected in anyways will cause hyper pigmentations. Several bad ways leads to dark gums.  Poor oral hygiene  Gum or teeth disease  Because of any Side effects    Due to certain medical terms etc. Who Can Take Up The Treatment  People genetically own, if they feel discomfort, can take up the treatment  If any infection or disease is detected  Or reaction of any medical conditions Treatments Available For Gum Whitening  Laser Gum Whitening  Surgery  Gum Bleaching Tips To Avoid Gum Whitening  Clean and hygienic oral routine  Proper balanced diet  Avoid regular alcohol intake  See you doctor once in 3 months Have A Happy Smile