What is sleep apnea


Uploaded on Apr 30, 2020

Sleep apnea is a long term condition where people do not breathe at different times during their sleep cycles. It’s moreover a sleep disorder, where the breathing gets interrupted and tends to rouse you from your sleep. The common discomfort along with sleep apnea are loud snoring, feeling tired, not getting enough sleep, and inadequate oxygen. https://www.orisdentalcenter.ae/blog/treatment-of-sleep-apnoea-role-of-a-dentist/



What is sleep apnea

WHAT IS SLEEP APNEA? . TREATMENT OF SLEEP APN EA – ROLE OF A DENTIST Sleep apnea is a long term condition where people do not breathe at different times during their sleep cycles. It’s moreover a sleep disorder, where the breathing gets interrupted and tends to rouse you from your sleep TYPES OF SLEEP APNEA SYMPTOMS OF SLEEP APNEA •Snoring loudly •Irregular breathing during sleep •Gasping for Oxygen •Choking and snorting •Restless sleep •Using the bathroom frequently in night •Dry mouth and sore throat because of breathing with mouth •Hangover or headache in the morning •Difficult to sleep or insomnia or recurrent awakenings •Instead of having hypersomnia or excessive sleeping in the daytime •Irritability, forgetfulness, Lack of interest •Lack of energy, concentration and inactive daytime CHILDREN SUFFERING FROM SLEEP APNEA The obstructive sleep apnea is common with the children. It signs you with symptoms like: Irregular breathing, gasping and snorting Daytime sleepiness Improper sleep position Behavioural changes etc. SLEEP APNEA INCREASES THE RISK FACTORS  Obesity: Presence of excessive fat will obstruct the airway  Thick neck: The bigger size of your neck narrows the airways  Narrowed and thin airway: Presence of tonsils, adenoids will block the air.  Being Male: Sleep apnea occurs in men than in women.  Being Old: It occurs mostly to the old aged people.  Family history: Genetics play a significant role, It grows the risk  Consuming alcohol and smoking: the alcohol or smoke will collapse the throat muscles, so it increases the risk.  Nasal congestion: Allergies, sinus and anatomical problems develop the risk of having sleep apnea  Heart disorder: Person undergone heart disorder have the risk EFFECTS OF SLEEP APNEA  Stroke  Heart failure and heart attacks  Diabetes  High blood pressure  Frequent Headaches  Depression and more SLEEP APNEA TREATMEN TS Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure (CPAP) Oral appliances Sleep apnea implants Surgery ADVANTAGES OF SLEEP APNEA APPLIANCES Sleep apnea oral appliances are especially helpful in obstructive apnea to train and tighten the muscles that are collapsing and obstructing the airway during sleep. They are comfortable to wear and removable. Regular monitoring is required and, they yield good results. They are much more affordable than the continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP) that are usually used to treat sleep apnea. Have A Healthy Life 