
Uploaded on Oct 30, 2019

Category Business

https://www.ifbappliances.com/products/kitchen/chimneys IFB Chimneys get rid of smoke, odour and keep your kitchen clean - all at the same time. Not only do IFB Chimneys look great, they come with many useful features that make them a joy to use. Their aluminium and stainless steel filters easily manage the fumes from Indian cooking The LED lights save on power and you can light them up to better see what you are cooking. They accumulate less soot which means they can work for longer without needing to be cleaned. The Clean Air function fills your kitchen with clean air, by automatically running the chimney at slow speeds - 10 minutes every hour - which in turn removes stale air in the kitchen. All IFB Chimneys come with a 5 year warranty.

Category Business




WWW. I F B A P P L I A N C E S. COM IFB CHIMNEY'S ONLINE EXPERIENCE SMOKE FREE AND ODOUR FREE KITCHENS WITH IFB CHIMNEY'S WALL MOUNTING CHIMNEY'S REMOTE CONTROL LED LIGHT FEATURES WALL MOUNT CHIMNEYS AESTHETIC FINISH DELAY SWITCH OFF TIMER IF B C HIMNE YS GE T R ID OF S MOK E , ODOUR AND K E E P YOUR K ITCHEN CLEAN all at the same time. Not only do IFB Chimneys look great, they come with many useful features that make them a joy to use THEY ACCUMULATE L E S S SOOT WHICHMEANSTHEY CAN WORK F OR L ONGE R WIT H OUT NE E DING TO BE CLEANED IFB CHIMNEYS The Clean Air function fills your kitchen with clean air, by automatically running the chimney at slow speeds - 10 minutes every hour - which in turn removes stale air in the kitchen. BUY IFB CHIMNEY S ONLINE WWW. IFBAPPLIANCES. COM