Top 10 Reasons to Apply for


Uploaded on Jul 15, 2020

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Must check out the list to convince you or your family members to apply for Latvian dual citizenship. Email us today & get assistance guidance throughout the process until citizenship is granted. Reasons at

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Top 10 Reasons to Apply for

T O P 1 0 R E A S O N S T O A P P L Y F O R L AT V I A N D U A L C I T I Z E N S H I P PA G E | 0 2 T O P 1 0 R E A S O N S TO A P P LY F O R L AT V I A N D U A L C I T I Z E N S H I P Many people, especially young ones, have ambiti ous dreams to live, study or work in any country they chose. And for many people, the European Union is one of the most attractive desti nati ons. Persons that get Latvian citi zenship by descent get an opportunity to live, work and study in any European Union country as well as many other benefi ts enjoyed by citi zens of the EU. Besides, they don't have to give up the citi zenship of the country of their birth. You could have as many reasons, but we've listed the top 10 reasons to apply for a Latvian dual citi zenship. PA G E | 0 3 L E T ' S B E G I N W IT H T H E L I S T TO C O N V I N C E YO U O R Y O U R FA M I LY M E M B E R S TO A P P LY F O R L AT V I A N C I T I Z E N S H I P : 1. Live in one of 30 EU countries of your choice Young professionals have the advantage of living in any of the 30 countries in Europe. They can pursue their career aspirati ons without geographical boundaries shrinking their opportuniti es. Latvia became a member of the European Union in the year of 2004 and joined the Schengen Area in 2007. PA G E | 0 4 2.Improve career prospects with the EU and EFTA countries as a potenti al desti nati on How would you sum up the opportunity to work and hold the reins of your career in top 30 EU, EFTA countries? As a professional, you couldn't think of getti ng a more opportune environment. The liberty to work in Latvia or any of the EU countries push you to put your best efforts. 3.Don't reel in debt after degree The low tuition fees are a big talking point. Look at where the world is heading. The educati on system in Europe is still holding to the basic principles. The guiding principles of offering educati on and imparti ng knowledge to strengthen society. You've got the example of America, Canada or Australia on one side. And on the other side, there are countries in the EU charging nominal or no fee. What a difference does it make to the future of students and communiti es? It serves the purpose of educati on, rewards talent. PA G E | 0 5 4.How about traveling to 150 countries visa-free or getti ng visa-on-arrival? Besides the possibility to travel and live in the EU, Latvian dual passport holders can travel to most of North and South American countries visa-free. They also can visit Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and many Asian countries with visa-on- arrival or visa-free opti ons. Latvian dual passport opens the window to travel the world without boundaries 5.Enjoy the benefi ts of an exemplary healthcare system Living in Europe has its biggest advantage in the form of the advanced healthcare system. Citi zens can enjoy healthcare services for free or have to pay a nominal fee. Families find it a convincing reason to settle in one of the EU countries to live a healthy, happy life. These services may sound obvious but take a look around other parts of the world. The situati on is the opposite as citi zens struggle to afford or pay for healthcare. PA G E | 0 6 6. Latvian dual citizenship for your children The benefits of living in an EU country might shape the future of your children. They'd have access to everything that you once dreamed about. They would have the best education, career options, Latvian dual citizenshipn and grandchildren would have citizenship by birth if you obtain Latvian citizenship by descent before they are born. 7.Mark a new chapter by living together with a spouse in the EU When a partner moves to an EU country, the spouse can also join him or her. They can get the permit to live and work in the EU country together with their spouse. After living for several years in the country it is possible to apply for a permanent residence permit and, eventually, citizenship.8. Give your business a boostTo rank 39th in the Human Development Index is not a small feat, which is what Latvia ranks. It's a relatively high- income country. It offers a conducive environment for press freedom, civil liberties and Internet independence. Latvia is a member of WTO, NATO, UN, European Union, Eurozone and the Council of Europe. Latvia has been an open and democratic country for 30 years now. It has a strong and independent judiciary system and stable, yet growing economic environment. All of these factors put business organizati ons in a unique position to grow and compete globally. PA G E | 0 7 6. Latvian dual citizenship for your children The benefits of living in an EU country might shape the future of your children. They'd have access to everything that you once dreamed about. They would have the best education, career options, safety and quality of life. Applying for Latvian dual citizenship serves several purposes. Your children and grandchildren would have citizenship by birth if you obtain Latvian citizenship by descent before they are born. 7.Mark a new chapter by living together with a spouse in the EU When a partner moves to an EU country, the spouse can also join him or her. They can get the permit to live and work in the EU country together with their spouse. After living for several years in the country it is possible to apply for a permanent residence permit and, eventually, citizenship. 8. Give your business a boost To rank 39th in the Human Development Index is not a small feat, which is what Latvia ranks. It's a relatively high-income country. It offers a conducive environment for press freedom, civil liberties and Internet independence. Latvia is a member of WTO, NATO, UN, European Union, Eurozone and the Council of Europe. Latvia has been an open and democrati c country for 30 years now. It has a strong and independent judiciary system and stable, yet growing economic environment. All of these factors put business organizations in a unique position to grow and compete globally. PA G E | 0 8 9.EU citi zenship spearheads career growth With Latvian dual citi zenship (i.e. citi zenship of an EU country), employees stand to win a strategic battle. Companies consider the candidate with Latvian dual passport for business expansion plans. They could save tens of thousands of dollars in the process. With Latvian passport, you might have an advantage for a new opening in Europe if you are working for a multi nati onal company. It could land you an opportunity you worked hard. 10.Connect to your roots and live in a beauti ful country with old traditi ons and customs Latvia has many wonderful places to live and enjoy and Latvians have a bright and busy culture. One of the factors why Latvia impresses almost every single family is the quality of life. Get Lithuanian citi zenship because why not? There is no reason why you should not get Lithuanian and EU citi zenship. Your taxes will not increase, there is no obligati on to vote, there is no language requirement and you do not even have to travel to Latvia to obtain Latvian citi zenship. T H A N K Y O U !D!e Civitate A. Čaka iela 118B 1012 Riga, Latvia370 64247449