How to Deleting Spam Emails Automatically? | Gmail Account Activation Number 1877-342-4448


Uploaded on Jan 3, 2020

Category Technology

Do you want to automatically delete spam emails in your Gmail account? If yes, use the technique given in this tutorial and set the settings easily otherwise call the Gmail Account Activation Number 1877-342-4448 and get help

Category Technology



How to Deleting Spam Emails Automatically? | Gmail Account Activation Number 1877-342-4448

How to Deleting Spam Emails Automatically? GMAIL ACCOUNT  ACTIVATION NUMBER CALL NOW 1877-342-4448 1. First, Open Gmail account and Select a  spam email 2. After that, tap dotted bar code  And tap Filter messages like these Tap Create filter option  Find the "Delete it" box option and click it     After choosing the delete option, check the "Also  apply the filter to match conversations" box  Now, Click Create filter GMAIL ACCOUNT ACTIVATION NUMBER If  you want  to  remove  Spam  Emails  automatically  then use  the  technique  given  in  this  tutorial.  For  more  information about this, please contact  the  Gmail Account Activation Number  1877-342-4448 THANK YOU Address-              4165 W Wethersfield Rd-Phoenix, AZ               85029, USA CALL NOW 1877-342-4448